A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of February, 2012. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Signs – Bruce Hamilton has a comical piece on signs with an important message about them just warning employees about problems that haven't been fixed.
No Plan Goes According to Plan – All Norval says no plan goes according to plan which is why it is important to have a quick check process to be able to adjust.
Show Me Respect, Not Just the Money – Liz Gutheridge writes about showing respect to people especially when you are not the boss of them but lead them.
Some Tips & Advice for Young Change Agents – Christina Kach a young change agent herself shares some advice about getting started with Lean thinking.
6 Ways to Improve Problem Solving in Your Company – Jeff Hajek shares 6 ways that you can improve the problem solving approach at your company.
What to Do With the "Extra People"? - Dragan Bosnjak writes about what to do with the surplus people we free from the process at the end of improvement.
Making Your Own Path – Matt Wrye says sometime you need to make your own path to move forward.
What Do The 4Ps Have To Do With Lean? Tracey Richardson explains how the 4p's (purpose, people, processes, and problems) can be used to counter Lean is just for manufacturing argument.
What's Wrong With Being Wrong? – David Kasprzak presents three questions to help you assess how well your failures are working to build your future successes.
Lean Leadership Excuse#2 – Al Norval says leaders need lead by example because what you do is what you get.
(Dis)Respect For People, Hospital Edition – Dan Markovitz shares a story that explains the need see for yourself what's going on where the work is being done.
Why Use Lean If So Many Fail To Do So Effectively – John Hunter shares his thoughts on why you should use Lean as your business strategy for improvement.
12 Narrow Lean Gates – Mark Hamel presents 12 tests that many leaders end up encountering early in their journey and why you need to stick to the principles.
10 Tips From a Hospital CEO – Mark Graban shares 10 tips for Dr. Stephen Markovich on Lean CEO Thinking from Society For Health Systems Conference.
Lean Principles For Complex Times Part 2 – Christian Paulsen discusses 3 more points that explain Lean Leadership especially in complex times like these.
It's Not Too Late To Change Your Habits – Leo Babautu says changing bad habits is not impossible and shares several steps to get you started but you only need to start with one.
What We Can Learn From A Giraffe About Dealing With Change – Jamie Flinchbaugh explains the stages of denial in terms of Lean implementation.
Reader Questions: Lean and Process Improvement in Healthcare – Mark Graban answers a readers questions on process improvement in context of Lean Healthcare.
Building Excellent Systems: Top-down or Bottom-up? – Jon Miller is answers the age old question but says it is not an or but rather an and.
Leading and Learning – Tracey Richardson shares her experience as a first time leader at Toyota and what is means to be a leader in a Lean environment.