In her book, Levit documents how some of these long held beliefs have become myths. She explores why holding on to these myths can be detrimental to business and career success.
Here’s what she says in her introduction to the book:
“I wrote it because I was tired of reading silly theories and platitudes dispensed by business and career authors who sell their work by giving these myths credibility and by telling readers what they want to hear. Here is one thing you can count on: I will tell it like it is. I will be honest with you about what will render you successful in today’s business world, not yesterday’s. I refuse to give you overly provocative advice that hasn’t worked for anyone I know, like quitting your job tomorrow and starting your own business the next day, or marching into your boss’s office and announcing that he should appreciate your individuality.”
She explores the 10 biggest myths of business success that people believe to be true even though they don't work for 98 percent of all truly accomplished people. They are:
Myth #1: Overnight success is possible.
Myth #2: Controversy will propel your career.
Myth #3: Employers want you to be yourself.
Myth #4: Being good at your job trumps everything.
Myth #5: It’s best to climb the ladder as fast as possible.
Myth #6: You’ll get more money because you’ve earned it.
Myth #7: The problem isn’t you, it’s the organization.
Myth #8: You won’t get laid off, you’re too essential.
Myth #9: If only you could break out of Corporate America, everything would be perfect.
Myth #10: Do what you love and the money will follow.
For each topic, she covers how the myth was established, giving a short discourse on it. She then explains why the belief is no longer valid in today’s business environment. She gives examples of people who followed the myths and were not successful. But, she provides more than anecdotal evidence. She follows up with data and studies to validate her claims. She then offers suggestions on what works today. She uncovers the myth and gives solutions to move forward.
Alexandra has written a very useful book that speaks to both new and experienced workers, whether in management or not, whether private sector or government. Her book is well written, concise and thought provoking. Each of her 10 myths are supported by relevant anecdotes, including what’s happening currently in the workplace.
I believe you will find this an enjoyable, informative, and valuable resource in moving forward successfully. When you read Blind Spots you'll have a lot fewer of them in your career and business.
Alexandra Levit is a former nationally syndicated columnist for the Wall Street Journal and frequent national media spokesperson. She was recently named Money Magazine's Online Career Expert of the Year and the author of one of Forbes' best websites for women. Alexandra‘s goal is to help people find meaningful jobs - quickly and simply - and to succeed beyond measure once they get there. You can see more from her online at Alexandra Levit’s Water Cooler Wisdom.
Note: Alexandra and I have connected online a number of times over the last several years. She graciously shared a copy of her book for my review.

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