A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of April, 2012. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Shingo's Network – Bruce Hamilton explains Shingo's concept of production as a network of process and operation.
Commitment – Joe Wilson says if you want to start a Lean transformation you need to start with commitment not 5s.
Addressing Problems With Countermeasures Rather Than Solutions – Gregg Stocker explains the difference of solving problems with countermeasures instead of solutions.
Don't Just Change the Process if People Aren't Following the Existing One – Jamie Flinchbaugh isn't advocating not to improve the process but rather saying understanding the current process is necessary to make it better.
Lean and Good are Not Synonyms – Bill Waddell explains that Lean is more about profits and customer satisfaction and less about cost savings, waste, and culture.
The Secrets of Successful Employee Training...Do or Die! – Colin Willis says that training should look like in a Lean environment and be a learning environment.
It's all in how you look at it - current state to ideal state – David Kasprzak says your appetite for improvement is based on your perspective of reality.
Go To Where They Are At – Matt Wrye says we have to remember to go to where people are at mentally and emotionally with the change.
6 Big Data Analysis Mistakes That Hinder Lean Efforts – Jeff Hajek shares the biggest traps people fall into when they try to interpret their data.
Be Lean, Not L.A.M.E. – Mark Graban shares his thoughts on Lean by contrasting from those efforts he calls L.A.M.E. (Lean as Misguidedly Executed).
Lean is Patient – Christina Kach explains Lean by saying what it is not.
The Importance of the Knowledge Distillery – Kevin Meyer writes about the importance of a learning organization especially to those in critical leadership roles.
Where is the blueprint for a manager who wants to create learning organization? – Michael Balle explains a learning organization and says learning requires a determination to learn.
Performance Organizations – Art Smalley answers why is there such a resistance to creating learning organizations and why are leaders letting the future deteriorate without doing anything about it.
Employee Suggestion Program: How to Create an Idea Submission Form – Pete Abilla shares how to capture employee ideas and an example of a suggestion card.
What Does 3P Stand For? – Bruce Hamilton explains that 3P goes beyond Production Preparation Process but like Lean thinking is more about People, Passion, and Principle.
Show us your time, pain and attention; 7 action to take – Liz Guthridge shares some of the make or break actions of senior leadership sponsorship.

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