A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of May, 2012. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Lean Manufacturing and The Toyota Production System – John Hunter explains his thoughts about what lean manufacturing, lean thinking means.
Why Your Career Path Is Like A Golf Ball – Jeff Hajek compares your career path to that of hitting a golf ball and advocates practice or learning every day to improve.
How To Measure Lean – Al Norval explains that Lean is a growth strategy so the best measurement is to look at lead time combined with safety, quality, delivery, and cost.
The Secret Formula to Success in Anything – Jeff Hajek has a great post on the elements that make up success and how continuous improvement impacts them.
Lean Snake Oil Cures What Ails Ya – Mike Wroblewski takes some creative license to explain Lean and it benefits but warns against secrets to implementation as Lean takes hard work and personal commitment.
How to do Hansei – Jon Miller shares a few realizations on how to do hansei after a fairly intensive period of reflection.
Long Term Thinking with Respect for People – John Hunter says the first priority of management is providing long term viability of the company.
Telling the Truth – Dragan Bosnjak says telling the truth should be encouraged at all levels, also there must be processes in place that facilitate this.
7 Steps for a Compelling Call to Action – Liz Guthridge explains 7 steps for making calls to action simpler and easier to do.
Trust - Cornerstone of Performance – George Rathburn explains that teams lose trust in their leaders when they fail to show trust and respect in their teams.
The Big Picture – Bill Waddell explains how he sees Lean, which is based on 3 mandatory and complimentary elements.
Where is Your Suggestion Box? Jon Miller highlights the issues with suggestion boxes and what is says about employee engagement and empowerment.
Problems are Buried Gold - How do you get people to flag problems vs just sweeping them under the carpet? – Al Norval provides 3 things leaders need to do to create a culture where problem solving is the norm.
Master the 3 R's - Recognize, Reinforce, and Reward – Liz Guthridge says by taking a few minutes to practice any of the three R's, you can re-energize and re-engage the people on your team or others you're working with.
Why Heijunka is a Block in the Foundation of the Toyota House – Pete Abilla explains the concept of Heijunka and shares the importance of this building block in Lean.
Facility Start-ups: Tips for Building a Lean Foundation – Tom Kinder shares some advice from experience starting your Lean Journey for success.
Does Lean Really Apply Outside of Manufacturing? – Al Norval explains how Lean does apply outside of manufacturing and how you can go about it.
Creating a Visual Management Board - Steve Taninecz shares some great points and examples on creating visual management boards in Lean Healthcare.
5s in Personal Kanban – Oliver Finker explains how you can apply 5S to your personal kanban system to improve your personal productivity system.

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