For my second review for John Hunter's Annual Management Improvement Carnival I am going international. Dragan Bosnjak, is the author of Encob Blog, which is Italian for Lean Blog. With Google translate you can unlock a new perspective on Lean Thinking. Dragan started his blog shortly before mine and have discussed Lean thinking over the last several years. He is a Lean consultant helping companies implement Lean thinking. This hands-on practical experience translates to his blog posts.
Dragan and I seem to think a lot a like even writing about the same topics without realizing the other is doing the same. I think this is why I enjoy reading his articles so much. We both agree that Lean is a journey of learning that requires constant commitment. Dragan shares his knowledge and experience for a wide range topics.
Here are some of my favorites from this past year:
to Do With the "Extra People"? - Dragan Bosnjak writes about what
to do with the surplus people we free from the process at the end of
Kanri – Dragan Bosnjak explains the concept and tool used for alignment and
development of people.
the Truth – Dragan Bosnjak says telling the truth should be encouraged at
all levels, also there must be processes in place that facilitate this.
To Approach Lean Production – Dragan Bosnjak explains how to approach Lean
so that your superiors will buy in.
and how we can apply game theory in our companies – Dragan Bosnjak using
the attraction of the Olympics looks at how we can get this excitement in our
are there Standards? – Dragan Bosnjak reiterates that standards are not to
be followed blindly.
of Newawashi – Dragan Bosnjak explains the rules of newawashi or consensus
building for teams to participate.
- Dragan Bosnjak explains the importance that a view regarding perfection has
on continuous improvement.
Dragan's post are educational and often provide some new insight that furthers my learning. They are often full of real word examples that allow for easily understanding and applying new topics. Following Dragan will keep you learning and applying Lean effectively.

Thank you Tim for a great review!