selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of January,
2013. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
& Priorities: Your Personal Hoshin – Karen Martin shares here 6 step
process for annual hoshin planning which involves hansei or reflection.
Resolutions – Bruce Hamilton warns organization so creating superficial
improvements by automating waste instead of eliminating it.
We Focus on Strengths or Weaknesses – Gregg Stocker says that when
developing people it is more important to focus on their strengths not
Not About The Boards – Dwayne Keller says it’s not about the boards it is
about the daily management system behind the boards.
Thinking: Respect for People – John Smith explains that respect for people
is the foundation for Lean thinking and open and honest communication is a big
part of it.
Goal Setting or Just Another Resolution? – Christian Paulsen explains a 5
step Lean Goal Setting approach will help you set goals that are both effective
and aligned with the needs of your business.
Chain Management and Bridging the Ingenuity Gap - Robert Martichenko
defines true supply chain management and the need of executives focus on
stability, flow and discipline.
Your Kaizen
Story – Evan Durant shares with readers how they should put the Kaizen
report out so that is tells a story.
Yoke - Preventing Inadvertent Errors – Al Norval explains an important part
of Jidoka which is poke yoke a technique to prevent errors.
is Less Expensive – Matt Wrye says overproduction is still more costly than
waiting idle and that looking busy is not good.
Kaizen, per se
– Evan Durant explain the Kaizen using a personal example of preparing for
running a marathon.
The Plaque of an Organization – Dan Markovitz shares so advice on too many
meetings, the impact they have on organizations, and is really a miss.
Annoy to Help or Improve – Liz Guthridge explain how to avoid leadership
complacency with 3 proven processes.
Limits of Imitating Toyota – Bill Waddell answers a readers question on
value streams and whether Toyota uses them by reminding us of the failures in
copying Toyota.
You already have a KPO... It"s
called Management – Mike Rother says that kaizen promotion office is not
necessary because it is management’s job.
Your Meetings Batched or Botched? – Maureen Sullivan explains two types of
waste responsible for the lack of value in meetings; meetings were either
“batched” or “botched”.
Driver's Ed Philosophy of Management – Bill Waddell shares some management
flaws using the analogy of a young driver and driver’s Ed that is highly
Continuous Improvement: Personal Kanban - 3rd Revision – Matt Wrye shares
his latest improvements with his Personal Kanban Journey, one we have mutually
is Your Brain... – Kevin Meyer explains the power of thinking and why some
companies are valuing brain power.
- Rapid, Shared Learning Across An Organization – Al Norval explains what
Yokoten is and how to use this approach to share the learning within your
Metrics Create A Focus For The Company So
Changes Lead to Meaningful Business Results – Jeff Liker answers the
question of how do measure productivity in a lean way.
Group Leaders Have To Compute Their Teams
Productivity Standards – Tracey Richardson talks about the group leaders
role in productivity metrics.