TaiichiOhno’s Workplace Management was directly written by Taiichi Ohno, founder of
the Toyota Production System. Many of his writings were transcriptions and
interpretations of the man himself, leaving the reader to wonder how accurately
it reflected the thoughts of this transformational leader. Jon Miller, both an
experienced lean expert and fluent in Japanese, provides this latest
translation and re-release of what should be a staple of every lean library.
small book is a compilation of 38 short chapters each one or two pages that
originally were spoken narratives with Taiichi Ohno. The book is not written by
him, but is the result of these several discussions from Ohno. Some of the
chapters are extremely insightful in the way of thinking Taiichi Ohno used when
thinking up ideas for the Toyota Production System. There's also an excellent
Publisher's Foreword and even better Afterword taken from Taiichi's 1st TPS
much of the learning comes in the form of specific nuggets of knowledge and
subtle points and hints, a major theme throughout the book is the focus on the
“gemba” or real place. The message is that you can’t effectively lead, manage,
solve problems or improve without a relentless focus on the gemba. This means
not only is this where you spend your time, where the work is done, but also it
is what you seek to understand. He asks you to put aside your assumptions and see
what is really occurring.
this book is devoid pictures and illustrations which would bring clarity to the
teachings. However, Ohno uses a combination of direct logical arguments,
stories and analogies to paint a picture for his audience, the same you might
expect to do in coaching his employees during the transformation of Toyota.
is not a clear flow to the book, it is not easy to draw the intended
conclusions and there is a substantial amount of redundancy throughout the
book. Furthermore, there are chapters on unrelated topics such as one about
issues within Japanese politics from the 1980s which is clearly not within the
focus of the book.
TaiichiOhno’s Workplace Management is a must read for anyone serious about
understanding Lean manufacturing in general and the Toyota Production System in
particular. Word of caution, this book may have you seeking more answers than
it gives. If you are seeking these answers, as many readers are, this is not the
book to start with. It is particularly helpful if you are already be familiar
with TPS concepts in order to fully grasp the teachings of the Lean Mastermind
unique volume delivers a clear, concise overview of the Toyota Production
System and kaizen in the very words of the architect of both of these
movements, Taiicho Ohno, published to mark what would have been his 100th
birthday. Filled with insightful new commentary from global quality
visionaries, Taiichi Ohno's Workplace Management is a classic that shows how
Toyota managers were taught to think.

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