selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of April,
2013. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
- How To Tear Down A Lean Pillar - Bryan Lund share a one step Job
Breakdown Sheet on “How to Tear Down a Lean Pillar”
the Student has Not Learned the Teacher has Not Taught – David Kasprzak
talks about the need to consider multiple learning styles when educating the
Training in Factory vs the Office - Why One and Not the Other? – Al Norval
looks at why we don’t bring TWI to the office like we do to the factory.
- A Symptom of Big Company Disease – Pascal Dennis warns of the tendency
large organizations have of disassembling the PDCA cycle - and giving different
parts to different people.
How to Manage People is the Single Most Important Part of Management – John
Hunter shares Deming’s thought on management and add that most managers just
need to learn to listen from the gemba.
Big Miss*take - Eric Whitley explains the mistakes of organizations like
that of a golfer missing the ball.
Standardization and Lean – Dan
Jones explains how standards are established and for what purpose.
an Executive How Do I Prepare to Start My Company on it's Lean Journey –
Jeff Hajek shares several things to consider before you commit to a Lean
improvement path.
Truth About Lean Failures – Vivek Naik shares his thoughts on the real
reasons that some experience failures in Lean and what to do about it.
Things First – Dan Markovitz says you can have strategy without clear
direction first.
Purpose of Standard Work in Manufacturing – Michel Baudin explains how to
use standard work in manufacturing to avoid creating Lean wallpaper.
Common Misconceptions About Lean – Jeff Hajek describes some common
misconceptions about Lean learned from actual practice.
A Problem Can Be A Treasure If Leaders
Make Efforts to Eliminate Fear of Failure – Jeff Liker says that
highlighting problems should not be stressful and it the job of leaders to
ensure so.
is from Toyota, Not Ford, and Not 15th Century Venice Boat Builders –
Michel Baudin shares his understanding of the roots of Lean.
14 Points for Management – John Hunter explains Deming’s 14 points of
management from his book Out of Crisis.
Reader Asks About Benchmarking, Headcount, and Efficiency – Bill Waddell
answers a readers question on labor productivity and benchmarking in his own
Service Andon Cord: Jeff Bezos and Customer Experience – Pete Abilla explains
the concept of the Andon Cord and shares how it is used at Amazon for better
customer service.
Management System: Accountability's Four Questions and Two Tools – Mark
Hamel examines what accountability means and shares two techniques to manage
to Not Become Handcuffed by Lean Six Sigma Tools – Ron Pereira advocates of
process of solving problems at hand in the gemba over applying tools just for
the sake of it.
People Need
Challenges to Engage in Their Work, But They Also Need Success – Dave Meier
explains a difference between challenging people and pushing people to produce
Problem With A3 Reports – Ron Pereira shares 3 reasons why A3 reports are
misunderstood and often misused.
Pathway to Innovation – Matthew E. May talks about innovation and how to
unleash ingenuity the secret to innovation.
Your Most Valuable
Resource – Dave Munch says while people are extraordinarily important it is
what you do with their time that really matters.
Belongs to the System – John Hunter explains that most possibilities for
improvement come the system which is the responsibility of management.