selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of June,
2013. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Do We Need A Checklist? – Dragan Bosnjak explains how checklists can be
used to avoid errors which are part of our human nature.
If You Develop
People Results Will Follow! – Tracey Richardson explains the importance of
developing people to always ask questions and focusing on the process if you
want results.
and Management – John Hunter defines leadership and management and says
that traits of both are needed to effectively optimize systems.
Good Witch or
Bad Witch? – Bruce Hamilton shares a few traits of bad (non-lean)
Accountants! Profits Are For Companies – Bill Waddell explains the problems
with GAAP accounting and the impact it has unfortunately on company decisions.
as Growth Strategy – Al Norval disputes the common misconception of Lean
and illustrates how Lean is business growth strategy rather than only a waste
Mastering The Meeting
– Matthew E May introduces the “Lean Meeting” and shares 3 simple strategy to
make your meetings “Lean”.
Tip to Motivate Excellence in Teams - Marcela De Vivo shares 10 guidelines
essential to managers to transform into a dynamic dream team capable of
delivering the levels of manufacturing operational excellence.
Powerful Techniques For Dealing With Setbacks or Total Failure – Ron
Pereira provides 5 strategies for overcoming setbacks that you may face.
Jamie Bonini On Organizational Culture – Mark Graban shares the lessons of
Toyota on organizational culture from a recent talk.
For Success – Ellis New shares three fundamental elements to consider to
ensure that improvement efforts get off on the right foot.
Executive Steering Committee Explained- Why Do You Need It & What Is It's
Purpose? – Brad Schultz provides 5 responsibilities of a executive steering
committee and how it helps the beginning of a transformation.
The Force Multiplier of Kaizen – Kevin Meyer explains how leadership that
commits and engages in the Lean transformation can create incredible value.
Don't Agonize;
Agendize – Liz Guthridge provides 7 steps and other strategies to make a
robust agenda that makes your meetings more effective.
Stock – Lawrence Loucka explains the ups and downs of safety stock and how
to use this strategy.
Are We Going? – Bill Waddell explains the importance of having a future
state vision and getting everyone to understand it.
Intellectual Capital – Pascal Dennis says the Kaizen/ Continuous
Improvement Office needs to be known for creating intellectual capital – by
developing people.
from the Road: Eliminating Waste in Your Personal Work – Jamie Flinchbaugh
shares lessons of lean to apply to your own work that can help assure your time
is spent on the most valuable tasks.
Workers "Hate Their Job" (Are Disengaged); Lean & Kaizen Can Help
– Mark Graban says you can close the gap and improve engagement with
“continuous improvement” and “respect for people” the pillars of Lean.
Lean versus Faux Lean – Bill Waddell puts a few things straight regarding
headcount, inventory, and green when it comes to Lean.

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