selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of July,
2013. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
The "Art" of
Workarounds – Leslie Marshall talks about the dangers of workarounds and
asks you to consider two questions when deciding to deviate.
Develop A Shared Language For
Improvement – Pascal Dennis shares 7 thoughts that can help align Lean
across disparate silos.
We Can Tell You How To Find The Answer
– Mike Rother says the use of Kata or Lean behavior pattern can help sustain
Lean across decentralized groups.
Deadwood in the Organization – Gregg Stocker talks about employee
development and the role of leadership in the organization.
The Gym Can Teach Us About Lean – Chad Walters explains Lean in the terms
of sports and uses some examples from the gym.
Does Lean Really Work?
– Karen Martin answers the popular question and explains true Lean
implementation and its benefits.
the Problem – Dragan Bosnjak explains the importance of properly defining
the problem you are trying to solve for efficiency.
on People, Hard on Process – Al Norval says we need to create a work
environment where problem solving combines these two ideas together.
on Lean or... Analytics Versus Empowerment – Bill Waddell explains that
Lean is a management decision to commit to people, instead of to data.
is a Big Game of Competitive 5S – Chad Walters explains 5S with an
interesting look at examples from a basketball game.
and Lean: The Disparities and Similarities – John Hunter discussed the
similarities and differences in the approach to the Deming philosophy and Lean
The Importance of Seeing Through The
Same Lens – Tracey Richardson talks about breaking down silos by aligning
to the business vision.
Importance of Empowerment For a Lean Leader – Kelcy Monday explains that
empowerment is an effective tool in Lean leadership and their responsibility.
Leadership: Breaking Down the Silos - Robert Martichenko explains how to
break down those walls in businesses that are so detrimental to lasting
10 Characteristics of Great Coaches & Learners
– Ron Pereira provides 10 traits that define great coaches and learners in
continuous improvement.
Mobility of
Management – John Hunter outlines the dangers of turnover and short term
thinking in the management of organizations.
Lean Thinking Spreads Only as Fast as
Each Individual Manager Learns to Think Lean – Michael Balle explains Lean
implementation grows as the management learns Lean.
Are Crucial To Problem Solving Success
– Matt Wrye says the manager’s mindset, attitude and support around problem
solving creates the type of results achieved
Your Lemons on the List (aka Got Standards?) – Matthew E. May explains the
importance of having standards and how to create good standards.
Steve Jobs a Lean Thinker? – Ron Pereira believes both the tools and tenets
of continuous improvement can most definitely enable companies to improve and