Lean requires changing systems, organizational structures, processes, acquiring new technologies/machines, and even altering layout of the workplace. And although all of these components are important, the most important area of focus for Lean leaders are the people.
Lean is a journey and has a huge impact on employees because Lean changes the
way that everyone operates. Since Lean impacts a business as a whole, it is
critical that the vision and strategy has complete buy in and participation of
top leadership. This is something that cannot be delegated and the direct
involvement and participation of leadership teams is a must.
Never Delegate
is looking into the future, seeing what’s coming, telling your team about it, making
sure everyone is going in the right direction, and keeping ALIGNMENT in your
is making sure that everything gets done when and how it’s supposed to get
done, that projects are being reported on and updated regularly, and that
knows what’s going on.
you start delegating the management of projects and tasks, it’s very easy to
get lazy and want to delegate everything.
isn’t something that takes a lot of time, but it’s something that, if you don’t
do it yourself, will cause a loss of confidence in you, and a loss of focus in
your business.
delegate management, but don’t delegate leadership.
Never Delegate “Culture”
“culture” of your business is the combination of values, attitude, and “vibe”
of your team.
important that you always stay involved, and keep making sure that everyone
knows that you care, that you’re committed to delivering high-quality products
and services, and that you stand for integrity.
Never Delegate
these people come to work with you, you’re going to need to both train them and
develop them.
is teaching them what they need to learn in order to work the systems in your
is what they need to evolve themselves on a personal and professional level, so
that they can do the next level job later on.
doesn’t matter who trains them (as long as the training is good, of course).
your employees want development feedback from leaders personally. They want to
know what you think of their work, their style, their strengths, their
weaknesses, and everything else.
play a critical role in changing the thinking of the members of the
organization so Lean can take root and grow.
The ultimate responsibility for Lean cannot be passed on or delegated;
it must be held, discussed, and practiced by top management, whose
responsibility is to foster an operational philosophy and culture that embraces
Lean in all aspects of the business. By delegating these activities you are sending
the message that you have much more important things to work on and this is
just something on the side.
leaders must understand that transformation cannot be delegated away. Their
vision must become the organization’s vision, and the entire workforce must own
and value the change together.

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