Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #871 – To Improve Your Business Map Your Processes
cannot improve what you do not understand. You must be able to understand and
map existing processes to define the to-be processes (the vision). Bear in mind
that processes feed into one another. Processes flow into one another; one
process could flow into a bigger process with the end of that process being the
beginning of another. It’s important to note that in some cases, there's a
difference between the way a process is documented and what happens in reality.
Besides this, existing documents may be outdated and not reflect the changes
that have been made to processes over time.
Tip #872 - Identify the Bottlenecks of Your Processes
those points where delays are introduced into the process. You can do this by
interviewing process participants, observing the process in action or
simulating the process to identify the points at which improvements can be
made. Evaluate each step in the process by taking a value-oriented approach. Bottlenecks
could arise from unnecessary sign-offs/approvals and unsmooth hand-offs. Though
it’s important to maintain quality, the analyst still needs to question the
value of checks and reviews.
Tip #873 - Know What the Customers Want.
can’t make your company effective if you haven’t communicated with the actual
consumers of your products. Some
customers may want something specific, and others may want something else.
Regardless of who wants what, the customers’ main wants usually include quality
and quick turnaround.
Tip #874 – Quality Improvement is about Customer Satisfaction
improvement requires you to make a difference in order to satisfy the customers. You have to keep abreast of how things are
going in your niche or market. Don’t
hesitate to make changes and adjustments when they are needed. Without the customers, you would not have a
job and the stability for the company would be at risk.
Tip #875 - Simplicity Matters In Process Improvement
your process isn’t simple, it’s going to be very expensive, not very usable,
and probably not sustainable – put simply, it will fail. Whether evaluating new
processes, or determining which ones to re-engineer or discard, make simplicity
a key consideration. Remember this – usability drives adoptability, and
simplicity is the main determinant of usability.
Tip #876 - Don’t Think Product – Think Outcome
know this will offend some, but process improvement is not a new software
program or application. While toolsets can enhance process or can become a
by-product of the process, they do not in and of themselves constitute process
improvement. Don’t get caught in the trap of perpetual spending or development
as a solution. Recognize if you’re caught in this trap it’s a symptom of bad
process not a reflection of good process.
Tip #877 - Turn Employees into Problem Solvers and Improvement Specialists.
most important aspect of lean is to involve employees in developing lean
processes. Many times companies create a culture in which the employees don't
make the decisions, management does. Then when problems occur, employees are
unable to diagnose or solve problems without involving a supervisor. lean
reverses that by revolving around employees and looking to them as the
improvement specialists.
Tip #878 – Gather Some Good Knowledge When Problem Solving
about your problem can often decrease that uncertain anxiety and fear we face
when we are challenged with something. Knowledge wisps away the clouds of fear
around a problem. And we often find that the problem might not be as bad as we
Tip #879 - Let Go of the Need to be Right.
your mind to a solution that may work and try it out instead of just making
snap judgments based on little information and experience. The need to be right
can make you disregard solutions that are just what you need for far too long.
Tip #880 - Find the Lesson or Opportunity Within the Problem.
is almost always a good side of a problem. Perhaps it alerts us to a great way
to improve our business. Or teaches us how our lives perhaps aren’t as bad as
we thought. Finding this more positive part of the problem reduces its negative
emotional impact and you may even start to see the situation as a great
opportunity for you. When you are faced with a problem ask yourself: How can I
use this? What is the good thing about this? What can I learn from this? What
hidden opportunity can I find within this problem?
Tip #881 – Communicate Often About Common Visions and Goals.
together toward a shared vision helps keep teams strong. Take care of your team
by regularly reminding group members what your common goals and purpose are.
Tip #882 - Take Care of Your Team, Pitch In and Lend a Hand.
out during crunch times or when people need assistance or support with a task
or project. Provide direction as needed. Encourage group members to reach out
and help one another. Make sure people have the tools, information, and
resources they need to get the job done. Help individuals and the group keep
priorities in focus. Intercede as necessary to remove organizational obstacles
to the team’s progress.
Tip #883 - Create a Team Culture Where “We” and “Us” are the Norm.
work cultures have become “I” instead of “we” oriented. When executives
incorporate the word “we” into their vocabulary, employees at all levels feel
included and a part of the organization’s success.
Tip #884 - Share Individual and Team Successes With All Employees
ahead, recognize and acknowledge employees! It’s good for employee morale and
loyalty. Make employees feel like they “belong.” Belonging is the foundation
that launches high levels of engagement and productivity.” When employees are
engaged they are loyal. And, people step forward to accomplish extraordinary
things through collaboration and team work.
Tip #885 - Transparency Must Be Maintained and Healthy Interaction Must Be Promoted
Among Team Members.
communication must be effective, crystal clear and precise so that every team
member gets a common picture. Effective communication also nullifies
misunderstandings and confusions. Confusions lead to conflicts and individuals
waste their time and energy in fighting rather than working.

"Do it right the first time" or "fail fast - fail cheap - fail often" - what is the best approach? I think this depends on the size of the knowledge gap (customer needs vs. own abilities), there is no simple answer.