selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of March,
2014. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
3 Best Coaching Kata Mistakes – Michael Lombard shares lessons learned from
practicing Toyota Kata.
you too busy to improve? – Hakan Forss explains what continuous improvement
and innovation is all about.
Does Leader as a Teacher Really Mean? – Al Norval explains what it means
for a leader to be a teacher.
Influential Voices: Sports Industry Manufacturing – Chad Walters shares
some thoughts on the challenges of growth and how they impact sports industry manufacturing.
Mark Rosenthal takes his stab at explaining what Lean really means by sharing
Mike Rother’s view.
People Formula – Gregg Stocker shares a basic formula for organizational
development that shows respect for people.
Quality for Life Video: Lean In Sports – Chad Walters talks about how Lean
and quality can have an impact on sports organizations.
Common Errors with Value Stream Mapping – Tony Manos shares from his
experience some common errors people make when value stream mapping.
From the Red Bead Experiment with Dr. Deming – John Hunter explains that the
value of the Red Bead Experiment is to provide focus to your thinking.
Strategy Deployment:
Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey – Mark Hamel discusses strategy deployment
x-matrices and the direction in which they should be developed…which is
management doesn't get it – Karen Wilhelm shares seven principles of change
that help explain cross-cultural change.
Do We Start with Lean? – Pascal Dennis answers the common question by
explaining how to identify what problem you are trying to solve.
Right Sizing the Team
– Linda Duvall explains how to build a team using the SIPOC
(Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer) tool.
it Lean’s Fault or the Old Management System’s? – Mark Graban says we can’t
blame Lean or a lack of Lean… we can really only blame the senior leaders.
One-Piece Flow Restricts Capacity – Michel Baudin explains a situation
where one piece flow can restrict capacity from Theory of Constraints (TOC)
Reduction: The Path to Supply Chain Management – Robert Martichenko
explains how inventory reduction leads to waste elimination, problem solving
and teamwork, and is critical to quality.
How a
Problem-Solving Culture Takes Root - Jim Luckman & David Verble suggest, based
on experience, that traditional managers and executives focus on and practice
three behaviors to help them personally make the transition.
From Mistakes – Bob Emiliani shares a personal lesson on mistakes he made
in executive training, what he learned from it, and how it resulted in
If you don’t have time to do it right
first time, when will you have time to do it over? – Tracey Richardson
discussed finding time for improvement.
you too busy to improve? – Focus on the system – Hakan Forss discussed how
you can find time for improvement by focusing on the system.

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