believe teamwork is the real engine that will drive our initiatives through to
success. Together, we will push forward and deal with the many critical issues
and directives facing our industries and businesses.
all have roles in our organizations but it is the power of teamwork that makes
our endeavors successful. It takes everyone working together on a common goal
to be successful in Lean.
people respond well to being a valued member of a team by putting forth their
best efforts. Human beings are hard wired to work cooperatively with one
another to achieve common goals, so keep remember that not all performance
rewards need to go to individuals. Incentives can be provided to the team as a
whole for working efficiently together to reach goals.
don’t just become teams because we use that name and it is not about teamwork.
Teams act as a collective unit with shared commitment and not a band of
individual contributors. Just like in Lean the whole, or in this case, the team
is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Teams often are more difficult
to form because it takes time for members to learn to work together. Management
must support and encourage the use of teams in there organization.
performing and effective teams use a set of values that encourage listening and
responding constructively to views expressed by others, giving others the
benefit of the doubt, providing support, and recognizing the interests and
achievements of others.
and team work create an environment that allows the collective knowledge,
resources and skills of each team member to flourish. When people work together
they can complete tasks faster by dividing the work to people of different
abilities and knowledge. Teamwork can lead to better decisions, products, or
that cultivate a culture of teamwork generally outperform their more
individualistic competitors. Frequently, this leads to a virtuous cycle of
self-improvement, as success breeds enthusiasm, which breeds better teamwork,
which breeds yet more success. For this reason, teamwork is important for
creating a healthy, prosperous organization.

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