Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #976 – Identify and Use Employees Strengths.
person has strengths and tapping in to their unique gifts and capabilities will
assist them in adding significant value to your organization whilst feeling
important. There are few things more
inspiring than getting the opportunity to show how good you are and doing what
you love. Giving people these
opportunities also consolidates the fact that they aren’t all faceless cogs in
a large machine, but valuable people who have something positive to offer.
Tip #977 – Give Room for People to Grow.
you expect people to come in and just do their job day after day like worker
bees, then you miss out on the unique opportunity to develop and coach them to
greater things. Some managers are afraid
of developing their people in case they leave.
Great leaders understand that people will leave at some stage anyway, so
why not position them for better things in the knowledge that they will give
you great press as an inspirational leader to work for. People who are continuing to grow and develop
and know that there is value in working for you will give a far greater
discretionary effort than hamsters on a wheel.
Tip #978 - Remind Employees of Their Importance.
people feel faceless, then they will act accordingly. However, if you can connect their role to the
overall success of your business, they are more likely going to perform with
pride and deliver great outcomes. It’s important that your team is aware of
their impact on the company. Make sure to show how their efforts help
contribute to the organization’s objectives.
Tip #979 - Don’t Let Naysayers Slow You Down
a problem solver. There is no such thing as impossible. If someone says “there really isn’t a way to
do that”, don’t take it at face value. There is always a way. It just means determining the effort or cost
Tip #980 - Don’t Over Engineer Solutions.
- Keep it Simple and Straightforward. The more you complicated the concept, the
harder it will be to gain traction. You
can always add bells & whistles later.
Break features into “Must Have” and “Nice to Have” (and don’t make
everything a must have!).
Tip #981 - Listen for Ideas and Empower them to Act
Do you get a steady flow of ideas from your
team? Are they pro-actively coming up with ideas for doing things better in
your area? for your customers? Though this may take time to develop, the way to
get this going is two-fold: 1) demonstrate your interest by listening to all
ideas and 2) demonstrate your commitment by implementing the best ones. Take
steps to turn their ideas into action as often as you can. And empower your
team to act. Give them the latitude to do it themselves.
Tip #982 – Smart Team Leaders Listen for Problems
organization has its share of problems. And the front line teams encounter many
of these problems daily, up close, and directly. A smart front line leader
wants to foster open and lively conversations about these problems,
conversations that become more structured and focused on finding solutions. The
leader gets the team together and listens to their descriptions of the problems
that are identifying. They guide them into a problem solving process, teaching
the steps and the tools at a pace that they can absorb. This listening strategy
coaches the team to develop into effective problem solvers.
Tip #983 - Teach Employees How to Manage Time and Energy Wisely.
employees to fully engage in the task at hand, focus on the important rather
than the urgent, avoid distractions, and create balance and renewal in the
achievement of the goal. Help them learn to say no to urgent requests or
terrific ideas that aren’t aligned with the important work of the team.
Tip #984 - Help Employees Engage Others.
those you work with to reach out and engage others with similar goals. Remind
them that goals can be created independently, but achieving them almost always
requires help and support from others.
Tip #985 - Help Employees Break Projects, Goals, and Work Assignments into Small
victories tap into motivation. Achieving is fueled by making small amounts of
progress, such as accomplishing a task or solving a problem. Help those that
work with you jump into an achievement cycle and experience the benefits and
rewards of moving through all five steps.
Tip #986 - Create an organizational habit for communications.
know you need to communicate about policies; health and safety; benefits; and
how a job should be carried out. But remember that you also need to share
information about your organization—what our your objectives? How are you
performing? What are your plans and prospects? How can employees help?
Tip #987 - Emphasize face-to-face communications.
today's employees may be more tech-savvy than ever, nothing beats human
interaction. Most employees want to hear news and information from their
supervisors. Managers need to be trained in how to communicate, and they need to
have the right tools at hand.
Tip #988 - Lead and Coach Employees to Success.
employee performance coaching there can be no sustained employee engagement.
Coaching is all about helping employees to become more effective in their roles
both strategically, culturally and through performance.
Tip #989 - Live Your Organization’s Core Values
organization’s core values should be conducive to creating a work environment
that enables active employee engagement and provide employees with
opportunities to demonstrate the company’s core values through their daily
high performing organizations, employees and leaders regularly refer to and use
their core value statements as a real time compass and positive shaper of both
formal environment and work life behaviors.
Tip #990 - See Your Employees as People Not as a Number
valued, confident, inspired, enthused and empowered are the key emotions that
lead to employee engagement. These emotions can’t be fostered unless you build
strong relationships with your employees and by seeing them as human beings.
engaged employees are fully aware and secure in the knowledge that their
managers really know them and care about them as human beings. Employees thrive
when managers really understand and connect with them through the lenses of
their personal values, goals and passions.

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