"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying." — Michael Jordan
always starts with the knowledge of what failure would be, because if you
haven't defined what failure is, you haven't defined what it isn't, i.e.
though, we most often learn through trial and error. We reserve the word
success for the accomplishment of difficult things and there are few difficult
things you get right on the first try.
while success does not ALWAYS start with failure, it would be fair to say it
does most of the time. If you aren't failing, you're not trying, and if you
aren't trying you aren't succeeding.
of the most successful people are those who fail the most. With each failure
you grow, you become bigger, you learn new and important things and you get one
step closer to reaching your goals.
dreams and big goals can only be realized as long as you are ready to fail –
again and again. Learn from the most successful people and adopt a similar
attitude towards failure.
happiest and most successful people know that…
Failure is an integral part on the way to success and self realization.
Whenever you step outside the comfort zone and whenever you try something new,
failure becomes inevitable.
Each failure brings you one step closer to reaching your goals.
Failure is a great teacher and it allows you to learn some of the most valuable
life lessons.
Each failure makes you stronger, bigger and better.
Making mistakes is not a big deal as long as you learn from them and avoid
repeating them.
Failure teaches you that a certain approach may not be ideal for a specific
situation and that there are better approaches.
Successful people will never laugh at you or judge you when you fail, because
they have already been there and they know about the valuable lessons you can
learn from failure.
No matter how often you fail, you are not a failure as long as you don’t give
Each time you fail, your fear of failure becomes smaller, which allows you to
take on even bigger challenges.
every mistake as an opportunity to learn and grow. Don’t feel stupid or doomed
forever just because you failed at something. You can always find other opportunities.
Failure is an expected part of the process of finding solutions.
of failure is a genuinely scary thing for many people, and often the reason
that individuals do not attempt the things they would like to accomplish. But
the only true failure is failure to make the attempt. If you don't try, you
gain nothing, and life is too short a thing to waste.
10 Truths of Failure originate from Robert Spadinger at Pick the Brain.

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