On A Lean Journey’s Facebook page this past week we have been discussing the largest roadblock to Lean implementation. Overwhelming the response has been management.
my experience I have learned that the single most important element for success
in Lean is the human element. First and
foremost Lean managers have the critical role of motivating and engaging all
people to work together toward a common goal. Management must define and
explain what that goal is, share a path to achieve it, motivate people to take
the journey with them, and assist them by removing obstacles.
requires top-to-bottom leadership of a special kind. Lean leaders need to be
firm and inspiring, relentless and resilient, demanding and forgiving, focused
and flexible. Above all, they have to be smart and highly respected in the
organization. Every successful company has at least one of these leaders. These
people must be a passionate part of the Lean leadership team.
from management is a “MUST”. In fact, it is the driving force. Procedures,
tools, and database are all useless if the management does not want to see an
improvement culture in the organization. The employees of the organization will
not care, if the management themselves do not show the attitude to follow the
right path.
truth is demonstrating commitment is hard work. Wavering commitment is usually
seen as no commitment at all. The only way to achieve a reputation for
commitment is through determination and persistence. Genuine commitment stands
the test of time.
is demonstrated by a combination of two actions. The first action is called
supporting. The second action underlying commitment is called improving. It is
the combination of both supporting and improving behaviors that makes up the
practice of commitment. Company leaders demonstrate their commitment to change
and improvement by making these behaviors visible to everyone. Leading by
example is the ultimate demonstration of your commitment.
management teams don’t understand Lean. When we don’t understand something it
is next to impossible to support it. This lack of understanding of Lean by
management allows even the most subtle of things to derail Lean efforts.
those managers who truly know Lean understand the benefit comes from developing
people to think and improve their own process the more they define the role as
influencing or coaching. Management must focus on how solutions are developed.
Develop, via coaching, the capability in people to develop new solutions. Leaders
can have the biggest impact coaching or influencing the process of improvement
to capture the ingenuity of those in the organization.
executives in your company to want to support and then adopt Lean Thinking may
be difficult but not impossible. We would all like to work at a company where
the top people in the organization don’t just do Lean but live Lean but many of
us work at a place where they don’t even necessarily do Lean.
level of involvement in Lean by the management team shapes the Lean
implementation and those who may lead it. In my experience the less
knowledgeable the management about REAL Lean (Bob Emiliani’s term) the more
they think of it as a set of tools the more they want you to just do it. These
are the managers that are usually hands-off with Lean and want to see the short
term gains to demonstrate they are improving the process. They are focused on
the results and outcomes and not the means by which we achieve them. This task
oriented approach to management unfortunately is only sustainable while the
doer is doing.
management system must change as the production system changes in Lean. A Lean
management system comprises of the practices and tools used to monitor,
measure, and sustain the operation of Lean production. Lean management
practices identify where actual performance fails to meet expected performance;
assigns and follows up improvement activities to bring actual in line with the
expected, or to raise the level of performance.
can’t be the roadblock to change. They need to be the champion for change. All
managers are teachers, and their actions determine company capability. Whether
consciously or not, with their everyday words and actions all managers are
teaching their people a mindset and approach.