Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1006 - Be Honest About Mistakes.
manager sets the tone for her team. If she admits mistakes and expects her team
members to call her out when she violates team norms, then she will set a
powerful example for accountability.
Tip #1007 - Empower Your Employees to Make the Right or Wrong Choices.
all companies operated on this principle, I personally think that people would
be a whole lot happier at work! There should be no penalty for making a mistake
and precisely for that reason, each and everyone on the team thinks about our
decisions and its impact. Even if we make a mistake, management should never
makes us feel bad about it – ever!
Tip #1008 - Listen to and Value Your Employees
focus on the overall corporate value and benefit when communicating
collaboration to employees. Employees
care about how this will impact them on an individual basis. How will this make their jobs and lives
are always so adamant about listening to the voice of the customer, yet we
should also consider the voice of the employee. When going down the
collaboration road within your enterprise it’s important to make employees a
part of the decision making process from step one. Listen to their ideas, their needs, and their
suggestions and integrate their feedback in your technology and strategy.
Tip #1009 – Collaboration Means You Must Adapt and Evolve
important to remember that collaboration is perpetual. It’s a never ending evolution as new tools
and strategies for the workplace continue to emerge. This means that it’s important for your
organization to be able to adapt and evolve as things change. Keep a pulse on what’s going on in the
industry and inside of your organization.
This will allow you to innovate and anticipate.
Tip #1010 - Create a Supportive Environment For Collaboration
your organization focuses on rewarding employees for individual performance as
the main driver of success then it will become quite hard to encourage
employees to share and communicate with each other. Why would they want to?
is nothing wrong with rewarding employees for great performance but it’s also
crucial to reward teamwork. For example,
organizations can make a percentage of an employee’s bonus tied to how well
they collaborate with their co-workers.
A supportive environment also means having training and education
resources available for employees as well as evangelists within the
Tip #1011 - Focus on the Positive.
of what we are doing, there are usually some positive aspects to it. If the
results are the most positive aspect of your task at hand, then focus on
results. If someone’s life will be better because of your efforts, focus on
that. You will get a lot more enjoyment out of your work when you choose to
focus on the positive aspects of everything you do.
Tip #1012 - Don’t Over Think Things.
we spend too much time dwelling on something rather than just doing it, we can
easily make a big deal out of nothing. Taking action has a way of smoothing out
bumps in the road, but procrastination tends to make them worse. The sooner we
get moving, the less time we will have for over thinking every little detail.
Tip #1013 - Always Do Your Best.
can easily become a chore when you don’t care enough to do your best. There is
a certain sense of satisfaction that only comes from a job well done. If you
just show up and do as little as possible, you will never really enjoy your
work because there won’t be any sense of satisfaction attached to it. Avoidance
makes work feel less enjoyable, not more!
Tip #1014 - Set High Standards for Yourself.
should live and work by the highest possible standards. Don’t give in to the
temptation to lower your standards to match the lazy goof offs who think they
are getting away with something. The work you do is a reflection of your
character and sense of self-worth. Living and working in a way that supports
your highest standards will give you sound reasons to feel really good about
Tip #1015 - Focus on What Matters.
our minds are constantly pulling us in different directions, it is easy to lose
sight of what really matters. The only way to get the truly important things
done is to be ruthless at removing and ignoring distractions. There is no
shortage of valueless busy work that can easily rob us of our time and energy.
Don’t let that happen to you. Work is much more enjoyable when we focus on the
things that really matter.
Tip #1016 - Be a Leader, Not Only a Manager
a team is worthless unless you provide direction; unless you turn that
motivation toward a goal and lead the team to it. It is the ability to lead
others that truly sets a manager apart from their peers. Remember that leaders
are found at all levels of the organization, so be one.
Tip #1017 - Be a Motivator to Get the Most From People
beings do things because we want to. Sometimes we want to because the
consequences of not wanting to do something are unpleasant. However, most of
the time we want to do things because of what we get out of it.
no different at work, people do good work for the pay, or the prestige, or the
recognition. They do bad work because they want to take it easy and still get
paid. They work really hard because they want to impress someone. To motivate
your people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them
for doing what you want them to do.
Tip #1018 - Start Each Day Reviewing Recent Successes, Critical Goals, and
Possible Roadblocks as a Team.
quick daily huddle meetings to review recent projects, celebrate successes,
review upcoming goals, and uncover possible issues. These meetings should last
no longer than a few minutes and should focus on the most tactical, pressing
issues of the day.
Tip #1019 - Lead Your Workforce From the Gemba.
order to build trust, leaders must connect with their workforce. That means
getting out of the offices and conference rooms and walking the floor. Stop by
employees’ cubicles, take a seat, and see what they’re working on. Go to the
Gemba (place) where the work is done.
Tip #1020 - Show Employees Why Their Work Matters.
employees who are passionate about their jobs can lose sight of the bigger
picture if they can’t see how their work impacts the company. To help boost
morale, introduce them to some of the customer their work impacts. This will
show them the results of their projects and provide a valuable opportunity to
receive feedback from the customer. Positive reinforcement from the customer
can make employees feel more connected to their work by giving them a sense of
pride and ownership. It also provides greater incentive to perform well, boosts
confidence in their work, and increases overall job satisfaction.

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