"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." — Arthur Ashe
am often asked when the best time to start your Lean Journey is. Well, the
short answer is now. There is never a
convenient or inconvenient time for change.
I hear “we are not ready for lean”. This is a rather circular argument, because
effectively what the management is saying is that business processes are too
bad and therefore it can’t implement improvement. Of course this means that the
business will never improve! I have never seen a business where the processes
where too bad to start improving.
organizations are waiting for the optimum time to change. Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes. If you allow it you will always find another
distraction. There is never a better
time to start than now. We really must
invest everyday in our future since you can't get back lost time.
spend your time trying to wait till things are perfect. Perfection is elusive.
It is more important to get started. And it's better to get something done
imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.

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