selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of October,
2014. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Leading Without
Respect – Bob Emiliani challenges leaders to lead with respect and to adopt
this for your Lean efforts.
Your Culture Working the Way You Think it Is? – Johanna Rothman shares a
story that describes why people are not empowered just because you cay so.
summary of mistakes about Lean – Michael Baudin discusses some common
mistakes that can cause Lean efforts to fail.
Ways to use Technology to Run a More Productive Warehouse – Jerry Matos
shares 5 warehouse management processes that can maximize your productivity.
KATA: OBSTACLES ARE NOT ACTION ITEMS – Mark Rosenthal explains that many
have it wrong; obstacles are not action items because it is unlikely you will
have to deal with all of them.
Coaching: Don’t Give People Answers, Let Them Learn – Mark Graban reminds
us that “respect for people” is not telling them the answers but supporting
them to find them on their own.
Leading the Way with
Leading Indicators – Steve Taninecz says the key is to define the behavior
based leading indicators, hold them accountable, measure them daily and problem
solve and adjust if the behaviors are not being adhered to.
The Lean
Starting Line – Jamie Flinchbaugh shares several steps to examine before
heading done the Lean path to avoid failure.
Skinny on Value Stream Management – Bill Waddell explains value stream
management in short: Simplicity, Focus, and Speed.
System Will Produce What It’s Capable of Producing – Simon Guilfoyle
explains why targets alone are irrelevant since it doesn’t provide a method for
accomplishing goals.
”Just Do It” Approach to Strategy Deployment Has Proven to “Just Not Work” –
Michael Sinocchi explains that what makes Hoshin Kanri unique and useful is the
catch ball process.
To Copy is
to Invite Disaster – John Hunter says copying for copying is down right
dangerous and the proper course of action depends on the system.
Improvement of Learning: North East Shingo Conference 2014 – Christina Kach
shares wonderful lessons her learning from the recent North East Shingo
Leadership = di/dt – Bob
Emiliani explains that better leadership is a function of better information
more quickly which essentially is characterized by flow.
– Bruce Hamilton says this expression meaning “take nobody’s word for it” draws
parallel to objective leadership and what we call Gemba Walks.
ahead or looking down? – Bill Waddell says when there is no vision and
there is no strategy, the default strategy becomes ‘cost reduction’; and when
the primary goal is cost reduction it is a sure fire sign of senior leadership
that spends all its time looking down rather than looking ahead to see where we
are going.
Why Leadership
and "Respect" Are Fundamentally Entwined – Michael Balle shares 5
distinct point from his book “Lead with Respect.”
Leader Standard
Work: Where to Start – Eric Ethington provides 8 key success factors to
implementing leader standard work.
Keep It Simple:
Value Stream Map at the Gemba – Dave LaHote explains the value in pencil
and paper value stream maps.
is the difference between Visual Management and Visual Control? – Tracey
Richardson explains that visual control and visual management are part of a
larger cultural infrastructure toward an organization’s growth and
Make visual what matters! – Dave
Meier says you need to consider the purpose and intention of every visual and
ask if it is achieving what you want.

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