"Great leadership usually starts with a willing heart, a positive attitude, and a desire to make a difference." — Mac Anderson
are often not in control of the issues we face at work or home. Problems just
present themselves. And chances are the issues you're facing aren't so cut and
dry. The solution to the problem might just be your attitude.
can find at least two ways to look at virtually everything. A pessimist looks
for difficulty in the opportunity, whereas an optimist looks for opportunity in
the difficulty. Unfortunately, many people look only at the problem and
not at the opportunity that lies within the problem.
the right attitude can make the difference between success and failure. A
positive attitude can motivate other people to change their negative thinking
and come over to your side. Everything is possible with right attitude behind
you to push you forward. And since you do have a choice, most of the time
you'll be better off if you choose to react in a positive rather than a
negative way.
attitude of the leader has a huge impact on the culture, environment, and mood
of the department or organization. The leader’s attitude tends to spread and
affect others dramatically. A good leader has the attitude of serving his
employees at all times, often at the expense of his own morale or personal
needs. A good leader truly cares about the morale of the team, pushes and
motivates his team with respect, a relentlessly positive attitude and with a
genuine heart.

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