Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1171 - Take Your Time When Doing a VSM
is a lot to think about when undertaking value stream mapping for the first
time so be sure not to rush – create a check list of items that should be
included in the map and cross them off as you go along – check out Value stream
mapping guide for more information on how to run a VSM program.
Tip #1172 - Don’t be Shy – Visit the Workplace When Mapping
key element of Value stream mapping is accuracy – an incorrect VSM can lead to
wrong conclusions being drawn and can waste valuable time of improvement teams.
Spend time at the workplace to ensure that what you map is accurate.
Tip #1173 – Validate Your Map
you think you’ve got your map complete – validate it with your stakeholders –
ensure its representative of what actually happens – use this to iron out any
problems with the map. Don’t take this stage for granted – get it wrong and you
can find your improvement suggestions shot down in flames as stakeholders
rubbish your map!
Tip #1174 - Ask Lots of Questions
be afraid to ask! – To document the process ensure the team asks stakeholders
what happens, why it happens, what are the inputs – what are the results –
remember – a value stream mapping program is a data and information gathering
Tip #1175 – Don’t Do the Current State Map and Future State Map at the Same
be tempted to produce the “current state” and “future state” maps at the same
time – we can all see improvements but capture them (perhaps in a list) and go
back to producing your “current state” map. Remember that you may not have the
whole picture until the “current state” is complete.
Tip #1176 – Making Mistakes is Part of Improvement
employees realize that making mistakes is an acceptable part of becoming Lean.
The mantra should be: “Let’s try it. The worst that can happen is we’re wrong.”
As this approach is sinking in, help employees understand that unstable systems
that allow variation cause most mistakes. Employees are doing their best. If
something goes wrong, the idea is to determine the root cause and fix that, not
criticize the worker. Understand errors more; punish less. Focus on the tools
of mistake-proofing, standard work, poka-yoke, and elf-check to prevent
Tip #1177 – Perfection is Not an Impossible Target
people are told that perfection is the goal, but that it is impossible, they
will rightly think that management has not quite thought this one through. They
will mistrust much of what else is said. Instead, people should be told that
perfection is the goal and we simply don’t know enough at the moment to reach
Tip #1178 – Encourage Keeping The Goal Always In Sight
and setbacks are bound to happen. To prevent them from thwarting your efforts,
remind employees (and yourself) of the vision on a regular basis. Have
employees consistently survey if what they are doing throughout their work day
is moving them towards that desired destination, and if not, re-evaluate their
efforts to get back on track. Encourage positive steps taken in the right
direction and recognize individuals for making them.
Tip #1179 - Leadership is a Service and Not a Destination.
people seek a position of leadership for the position itself. They may desire
the power or the acclaim that goes with the position. However, a leader that
seeks to serve rather than to be served will always be more effective.
Tip #1180 – Leaders Must Empower Excellence
around you sometime with this in mind - people are trying their best to do an
excellent job at something. That something may or may not be what you
"grade performance" on, but nevertheless, people feel better and
accomplish more when their leaders take the time to not only notice, but
encourage and empower them to be excellent in what they strive toward.
Empowering excellence is different than expecting or demanding it because it
starts with the ambitions of the led, rather than the leader.
Tip #1181 – Lean Leaders First Envision Success
know that every problem has an answer; it just needs to be found. Worrying
about the problem gets you nowhere, while working towards the answer will get
you everywhere. Leaders control their attitude and focus on results.
Tip #1182 – Lean Leaders Get the Facts
collect all the facts about the problem because they know that some problems
are not as big as they seem. Fact-finding is an analytical, rather than an
emotional task, so it is useful in other ways, too. When a follower comes to a
leader with a problem, a good leader will start asking questions and gather the
facts, rather than engage in an emotional discussion. Fact-finding is a process and you may have to
dig deep to get to the real problem. Leaders are great at asking the right
fact-finding questions. They’re also adept at listening to the answers and
“hearing” any sub-text that could illuminate the situation.
Tip #1183 – Lean Leaders Follow Through
leaders don’t just implement the solution and turn away. They follow through
with making sure necessary team members are also doing their part (if
required). And they ask everyone involved how they think the “solution” is
working out now that it’s actually being used.
Tip #1184 – Lean Leaders Don’t Just Know How to Solve Problems; They Know How
to Find Them
leaders can detect smoke, rather than simply trying to fight raging fires.
That’s the type of leader you should groom your employees to be. And it’s
critical they have a good rapport with their team to encourage them to share
bad news, red flags, or concerns with them quickly!
Tip #1185 – Lean Leaders Continually Self-Evaluate
pick a solution and implement it. They may start with a quick-fix solution and
follow up with a more long-lasting fix, but they decide what needs to be
done…and they do it. Leaders constantly assess whether the process is going
well, if the solutions being discussed make sense, and if they are doing
everything they can to solve the issue.

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