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Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1261 - Hold Touch-Point Meetings to Review Metrics.
are useless if they don’t lead to company adjustments and growth. My
organization hosts weekly touch-point meetings where the discussion is driven
by a focus on company metrics. These meetings help employees develop the habit
of responding regularly and directly to the company’s metrics and using that
information while it’s still relevant.
Tip #1262 – Avoid Focusing on People Rather Than Processes
some cases metrics are being used primarily to assess people performance,
rather than process performance. This may lead to data manipulation or
underreporting of metrics. If people’s careers are dependent on reported
metrics, there is a tendency to hide facts or report incorrect data. Individual
performance is important, but the focus of an initiative should be on process
performance. This will lead to much wider participation within the
organization, and when processes improve in performance, everybody wins.
Tip #1263 – Stay Away From Unrealistic Targets
organizations set targets without any thought to current performance, process
stability or process capability. Industry benchmarks are helpful, but before
applying these benchmarks to an organization, the team should analyze current
process performance to ensure that unrealistic targets are not set. Unrealistic
targets create resistance within an organization and impact team and people
performance. In some cases, they also lead to data manipulation or incorrect
setting any targets, the metrics team should ensure that processes are stable
and that process capability can be measured in a reliable manner. Process
capability should be measured from the customer’s perspective. If teams do not
consult the customers, they may find that clients are still unhappy even when
targets are consistently met. Involving customers at each stage of target
setting helps teams set realistic and achievable targets that will meet
customer’s expectations.
Tip #1264 - Measure Before You Manage
is fundamental to effective management, but it’s impossible to achieve it
without tracking each department and individual progress against very specific,
measurable goals and objectives. You first need to determine the right metrics
and then make sure you have all the tools you need for measurement.
Tip #1265 - Remember that Accountability Starts at the Top
leaders don’t always recognize how closely employees will follow their example.
But if you want your workers to take goal-setting seriously, you should be
prepared to share your own goals – as well as how you came out on delivering on
them at the end of the quarter. Such transparency shows your team that you are
in the trenches with them, making every effort to achieve what you set out to
do – even if your targets were off.
Tip #1266 – Continually Question, Reevaluate, and Refine Metrics
in mind that you will need to reevaluate and adjust your metrics as your
business priorities change. Every week, month, and quarter is a new opportunity
to test and refine your ability to set and track metrics that will drive
growth. When you invest time and thought into setting, monitoring, sharing, and
refining your metrics, you’ll be amazed at how much more in tune you are to the
state of your business, and how much more easily you can make the critical
decisions that can catapult your business’ success.
Tip #1267 - Create Humiliation-Free Zones.
metrics and reviews should not be intended to “name and shame.” Leaders can
provide safe havens in which dialogue can take place without making anyone feel
put on the spot, and where difficult issues can be discussed without assigning
blame. The goal is to solve problems, not to hurl accusations or tear people
down. Creating such a positive climate calls for a matter-of-fact, objective
manner: assume that people want to do the right thing and that data help them
know what the right thing is.
Tip #1268 - Ask Questions; Stress Inquiry on Goals.
know that it helps to begin with agreement about goals and then to conduct an
inquiry-oriented dialogue: Did you do this, did you try that, and what
happened? Questions help people deconstruct the details of performance and
consider alternatives without becoming defensive.
Tip #1269 – Leaders Need to Model Accountability.
builds confidence in leaders when they name problems that everyone knows are
there, put performance data on the table for everyone to see, and refuse to
shift responsibility to some nameless “them.” When leaders accept
responsibility (for example, by sharing their own performance ratings), it
helps other people get over their fear of exposure and humiliation.
Tip #1270 - Enable Authority of Team Members.
your team and its members the power to make decisions. Though this might seem
risky, it's a logical progression once all members' roles are defined. Assuming
that each individual is qualified to fulfill his or her role means trusting
them to make judgment calls when necessary.
performance standards for each team member. When everyone knows what is
expected, they know what to aim for. Simultaneously, ask team workers to give
each other constructive feedback.
Tip #1271 - Encourage Employee Development.
employees are not satisfied with the status quo. You want these employees on your
team. They are typically ambitious, high performing, and dynamic. They will be
the future leaders of your organization if they are given proper guidance in
their development. If not, be prepared to lose them to the competition.
Tip #1272 - Create a Development Plan.
is crucial to advancing your learning and development. Help your employees
establish goals that are aligned with their strengths, interest and experience
and then create a plan to get there. A development plan serves as the roadmap
that will take you to your goal. It can be simple or complex but it must
include action steps, resources, and deadlines.
Tip #1273 - Pair Your Employee’s With a Mentor.
their goals have been established, find someone who is in a similar role to the
target position to serve as a mentor. Mentoring enables an organization to use
it’s existing talent to impart their knowledge and expertise to one another. Everyone
– the organization, the mentor, and the mentee – benefits from the mentoring
Tip #1274 – Identify Opportunities to Network for Development.
a solid network is imperative to the success of future leaders. A network is a
great source of information, advice, support and inspiration. Recommend
opportunities within the organization, as well as, networking or professional
groups that will help them build strong connections.
Tip #1275 - Challenge Your Employees to Move Out of Their Comfort Zone.
can’t move forward if you don’t grow and you can’t grow if you never leave your
comfort zone. When possible, give your employees challenging assignments. Help
them prepare by providing them a safe environment to learn from the mistakes
that they are bound to make.

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