selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of March,
2016. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Posts for Ten Shingo Principles – Bruce Hamilton shares 10 posts from his
archive on the 10 guiding principles of the shingo prize that you’ll find
Psychological Factors affecting 5S Implementation in Office – Vivek Naik
shares his perspective on the behavior of people you are trying to engage in
continuous improvement.
Lean Fails: The Common Causes – Gregg Stocker shares 5 causes from
experience that are the most destructive and the most difficult to resolve when
transforming to a Lean organization.
can't spell "challenge" without "change"! – Tracey
Richardson says we often have to challenge the status quo and build upon that
tribal knowledge we have gained to create new and better ways we all can align
The Fog of
Waste – Jon Miller shares a story that illustrates the difficulty of
leaders and workers to say why didn’t we do this (lean) earlier.
to Improve How You Learn, Don’t Just Accept That You Can’t Do Better – John
Hunter says companies would be wise to put more effort into helping people
learn better.
Lean Means Pain:
Dispelling the Myths – Pete Abilla describes what the Lean approach is
really all about.
But Lean Is About Cost Reduction... – Michel Baudin discusses Lean’s
purpose of cost reduction or value maximization.
Transforming the Energy in
your Lean System - Patricia Kramer says one of the objectives of Lean
coaching is to continue to move the energy to a positive state.
Transformation Failure Analysis – Bob Emiliani says the ubiquity of Fake
Lean informs us that there are significant defects in the Lean transformation
process that contribute to failure.
Positively Shaping
Organizational Culture through Strategy Deployment - Aaron Fausz says an
often overlooked factor that can contribute significantly to a positive
organizational culture is how strategy is deployed throughout an
North Can Really Be “Management by Results” in Disguise - Mike Stoecklein
describes understanding and managing toward True North is not the same as
management by results.
Does NOT Equal Consensus – Matt Wrye explains that good leaders know the
difference between collaboration and consensus and when consensus is important.
Loneliness of the Small Business Owner – Pascal Dennis shares some lessons
from the obstacles that small business owners face.
Barriers Companies Face When Trying to Strengthen a Culture of Quality - James
Lawther gives you a handful of examples, a belief, an alternative view, and a
piece of evidence to barriers of building a quality culture.
Vanity Metrics are Dangerous: Holding a Mirror Up to Your Measures of Success
- Julia Wester discusses the dangers of vanity metrics, and present a quick
test you can to do to evaluate your own success measures.
Is Mistake Proofing a Reality? – Pete Abilla shares 7 crucial steps for
implementing mistake proofing.
in Sports and at Work – Jon Miller describes differences between sports
teams and business teams to consider if we want our managers to be successful
Biggest “Bang for Your Lean Buck?” Respecting Your People - Paul Critchley
talks about respecting people and how leaders can do so.
Evolving Out of Need
– Bob Emiliani talks about the next generation of Lean where he says persons
and organizations promoting Lean cannot be more important than Lean management
itself or the Lean movement.

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