Whether you
realize it or not, if you're a leader, your employees are watching every move
you make. Good leaders must lead by example. By walking your talk, you become a
person others want to follow. When leaders say one thing, but do another, they
erode trust--a critical element of productive leadership.
Leading by
example sounds easy, but few leaders are consistent with this one. Successful
leaders practice what they preach and are mindful of their actions. They know
everyone is watching them and therefore are incredibly intuitive about
detecting those who are observing their every move, waiting to detect a
performance shortfall.
There are many
ways leaders can set an example to others, but here are 15 of those ways.
1. Take responsibility. Blame costs you
your credibility, keeps team members on the defensive and ultimately sabotages
real growth. Great leaders know when to accept that mistakes have been made and
take it upon themselves to fix them.
2. Be truthful. Inaccurate representation
affects everyone. Show that honesty really is the best policy. Promote an
office environment of truthfulness.
3. Be courageous. Walk through fire (a
crisis) first. Take calculated risks that demonstrate commitment to a larger
4. Acknowledge failure. It makes it OK for
your team to do the same and defines failure as part of the process of becoming
extraordinary. We always learn more from mistakes than successes, provided we
seek to understand the point of failure and eliminate that particular issue.
5. Be persistent. Try, try again. Go over,
under or around any hurdles to show that obstacles don’t define your company or
6. Create solutions. Don’t dwell on
problems; instead be the first to offer solutions and then ask your team for
7. Listen. Practice patience and try to
not interrupt when someone is talking. Be attentive, make eye contact, nod and
ask pertinent questions. Ask questions. Seek to understand. You’ll receive
valuable insights and set a tone that encourages healthy dialogue.
8. Let the team do their thing. Stop
micromanaging. Communicate the mission, vision, values, and goals. Then step
back and let the team innovate. Setting this example for the team will
encourage your other managers to do the same.
9. Take care of yourself. The more you
take care of yourself, the more energy you will have and the better work you
will do. Exercise, don’t overwork, take a break. A balanced team, mentally and physically,
is a successful team. Model it, encourage it, support it!
10. Roll up your sleeves. Show that when a
job needs to be done, everyone at every level needs to chip in and participate.
Do your part, and make sure that what needs to get done, gets done.
11. Demonstrate integrity. Inspiring your
employees is important, but they must believe in you as well. They’ll look up
to you if you fulfill your commitments, even if it’s something as basic as
showing up for a scheduled meeting.
12. Establish an impeccable standard of
excellence. The best way to establish a standard is by modeling the
expected behavior yourself. Showcase excellence. When your actions have the
potential to affect everyone around you and the bottom line, don't dabble in
mediocrity. Reflecting excellence is critical to exercising effective
13. Share the credit. Collaboration is the
key to success. You will quickly lose respect with your colleagues and
co-workers if you tune them out and refuse to share the spotlight with them.
14. Be a fearless problem solver. Instead
of freaking out in a bad situation, focus on ways to deal with problems. Be
fearless and create solutions. How a leader reacts in a bad situation speaks a
lot about his personality. So, make sure that you create a good example for
15. Praise improvement, even minor
improvements. Psychologists discovered long ago that when you positively
reinforce a desired behavior, people are far more likely to repeat that
behavior. Most people want to do the right thing, which means you will find far
more success in leading a team if you focus on using positive reinforcement
rather than negative actions like threats and fear tactics.
When you “walk
the talk,” your behavior becomes a catalyst for people’s trust and faith in
you. And it also emphasizes what you stand for. Leading by example shows people
exactly what you expect and gives them living proof that it can be done. On a
deeper level, leading by example and being as good as your words builds trust.
It’s a sign that you take what you say seriously so they can, too.