On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on this journey because without learning we can not improve.
"All of life is education and everyone is a teacher and everybody is forever a pupil." — Abraham Maslow
One of the
worst phrases that any person or entity can say is “I already know that”
because this can very well destroy any chances of continuous learning. And when
there is no learning, there is no growth.
In any
organization, continuous learning means growth through learning events and
experiences. It can be applied to individuals, team, and organizations- a
process that will help them to achieve their overall objectives. Undergoing a
continuous learning process entails change; one cannot learn and still be the
same person, team, or organization. There is a constant evolution in the way we
think and act, brought about by new understanding, new knowledge, and new
Foster a work
environment that encourages continuous learning. Make it clear to your
employees that most learning happens past the initial training. Employees will
be less stressed because their development will occur gradually over time,
rather than be front-loaded at the start. It also makes it clear that your first
priority is their well-being, which translates into higher workforce morale.
Think of
continuous learning as smoothing out the bumps and valleys of your employees’
learning curve. A front-loaded strategy has a huge spike right at the beginning
that demands a lot out of your employees. This may have a negative effect in
their motivation, stress levels and skill proficiency. Implementing continuous
learning straightens this curve out.
Replace the
idea of training with capability development. This empowers the employees to be
more self-motivated and more likely to want to improve themselves. Build a
culture around employee satisfaction and improvement. Integrate continuous
learning into daily routines.
A constant
quest for learning provides the means to always be moving forward, to conquer
new frontiers and achieve new and exciting goals. Make a point to learn
something new every day. Learning new things brings more exciting experiences
your way. It allows you to meet other people who can bring further knowledge or
learning opportunities.

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