selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of October,
2016. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Kata: Reflection on Coaching Struggling Learners – Mark Rosenthal
says Improvement Kata is a proven, effective mechanism for helping a learner
gain understanding, but it isn’t the only way.
Understanding Data is
Often Challenging – John Hunter says using data well (with an understanding
of variation) will greatly enhance improvement efforts but it is a challenge
and requires thoughtful consideration.
Lean/TPS in the Public
Service, Part 3 – Obstacles & Countermeasures? – Pascal Dennis notes
three major obstacles to Lean/TPS in government and the possible
Where’s your lean team?
[Lessons from the Road] – Jamie Flinchbaugh discusses where
Lean resources should reside within the organization and what that means in
terms of messaging for your cause.
Kaizen: A Comprehensive
Business Strategy – Bob Emiliani explains why Kaizen is simple yet
effective improvement practice to transform many aspects of your business.
PDCA is a Meditation – Pascal Dennis says Lean methods
are meant to jolt us out of our slumber and the most basic mediation of all is
daily Plan-Do-Check-Adjust.
& Leaders - Glenn Whitfield discusses the difference between
manager and leader characteristics.
Them and You Will Learn - Blair Nickle explains how coaching employees is servant
leadership at its best.
Productivity Improvement vs. Pressuring Workers; Easier vs. Suboptimizing –
Mark Graban explains that telling people to work harder without properly
supporting them can lead to all sorts of problems.
a Lean Home – Kevin Meyer explains Lean concepts that could be applied to
designing a home.
Continuous Improvement, Think Like a Child – Jon Miller shares the traits
and behaviors of a child that can be applied to continuous improvement.
A Comprehensive Business Strategy – Bob Emiliani explains how kaizen is a
comprehensive business strategy.
Strategy – Bob Emiliani asks whether Lean is a strategy or not and why.
Ask Art: How is
lean the opposite of everything people have been trained to do? – Art Byrne
discusses Lean management and traditional management of business.

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