selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of December,
2016. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Leadership Development
for Business Impact
– Bob Emiliani recommends two approaches to leadership
development: One that is proven to have substantial actual business impact, and
one that has great potential for actual business impact.
Continually Improving
Using a Focus on Delighting Customers – John Hunter says the successful
application of quality (customer focused continual improvement) naturally
integrates and iterates your efforts so that internal process improvement and
innovation grows with customer integration.
Leadership Salad – Ronnie Daughtry
explains implementing tools alone won’t change culture but there are 10
leadership behaviors that can.
The Lure of Rapid Lean
Transformation – Mark Rosenthal finds organizations who want lean results,
but they want someone else to do the work to make it that way, however, the
problem is you can’t outsource your own thinking.
Reflection - the
Breakfast of Champions – Pascal Dennis says reflection is
the countermeasure to hubris, overweening pride & arrogance, that destroyer
of people and organization.
A Change of Pace – Kevin Meyer
advocates slowing down and observing, otherwise you might think you’ve arrived
but not know where you’ve been or the interesting things you’ve passed.
How Children Can Help
Us Become Better Lean Leaders – Jon Miller explains why learning
how to learn is as important as learning the subject matter, especially for
lean leadership.
5 Supply Chain
Management Habits that Will Land You on the Naughty List - Alexa Cheater
says if you haven’t broken these ineffective supply chain management habits,
you’re likely to find nothing but a lump of coal in your stocking come
Problem Solving and the
Worlds of Reflection & Experience – Pascal Dennis says the pattern --
experience - reflection - experience is central to practical problem solving
and to Lean as a whole.
Effort is Grossly Underrated – Jamie Flinchbaugh
believes we should aspire to work smarter and harder.
Unpacking the
Components of Hard Work to Design Better Work Conditions – John Hunter, in
response to Jamie Flinchbaugh’s post, thinks you can reduce many of the parts
of hard work by creating a better system of work in the organization.
How NOT to Implement a
New Business Process - Mikaela Boone shares some things NOT to do when you’re
beginning to roll out your new process.
Countering Confirmation
Bias – John Hunters explains why we need to learn and then
adjust our thinking and our management systems to work well given our
understanding of how our beliefs suffer from systemic weaknesses, such as
confirmation bias.
Ask Art: Why Is
Something As Simple As Lean So Difficult to Do? – Art Byrne says although
the lean principles themselves are pretty simple, without the correct
leadership it is perhaps one of the hardest changes for any business to make.
Can You Improve Your
Processes Next Year? – Alexandra Levit explores 10 questions business leaders
must ask before taking action.

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