Micromanagement: Everyone knows the term. Micromanaging is a method of management
in which an individual closely observes or controls the work of an employee. In
comparison to simply giving general direction, the micromanager monitors and
evaluates every stage in a process, from beginning to end. This behavior
negatively affects efficiency, creativity, trust, communication,
problem-solving, and the company’s ability to reach its goals.
In the best
situations, micromanagement is an impediment to progress and in extreme cases
it can cause the organization to stagnate. Let’s look at the some of the
effects that come with micromanagement.
prevents innovation. Employees can’t come up with new ideas and procedures on
their own; they have to constantly check with the micromanager who is often
unavailable. Workers become “drones” that wait to be told what to do rather
than take risks that come with innovation. Employees with skills and knowledge
will leave such situations and the organization is left with workers who are
content to wait to follow instructions.
slows workflow, as all approvals have to go through the manager who will not
give up control. It is not efficient for normal work to have to wait for
approval from an overzealous manager. Everyone in the organization learns to
just wait until it has to be done and then do what they are told to do. Delegation
is an essential element in any organization and it is an essential skill for
any manager.
creates dependent employees. After being micromanaged, your staff will begin to
depend on you, rather than having the confidence to perform tasks on their own.
Micromanagement makes your team feel like they can no longer handle the work
without your constant guidance. If you micromanage too much, your employees’
skills, talents and insights can fall to the wayside, leaving you with a team
that only knows how to do what it's told. You must allow your employees the
freedom to think and act on their own. When your employees aren’t dependent
upon you, they’ll continue to think on their own – and when employees have the
freedom to think on their own, great things can happen.
prevents an organization from using the talents and skills of the staff.
Employees are hired because they have the knowledge and ability to do a job. If
they are constantly being hovered over by an oppressive manager, then they
cannot do the jobs that they were hired to do.
prevents autonomy. When you micromanage, your employees begin to feel like
they’re losing their autonomy. When this happens, they’ll slowly lose the
desire to do anything but that which you demand, and little more. No one will
step outside the proverbial box or go the extra mile for a task. You hand those
same people a certain level of autonomy and they will take pride in what they
do and how they do it. A lack of autonomy will squelch growth in your
causes high turnover of staff. Let me put it simply: Most people don’t take
well to being micromanaged. When employees are micromanaged, they often do one
thing; quit. Considering the reasons why managers micromanage (ego, insecurity,
inexperience, perfectionism, arrogance), it’s simply not worth the high
turnover rate. Having to constantly train and re-train staff not only robs your
department of momentum, it affects the company’s bottom line and destroys
morale. Friendships are made and destroyed, and eventually this will crush the
spirit of your staff.
The effects of
micromanagement can be disastrous for a company’s culture. Employees will soon
realize that you are not listening to them. They will undoubtedly shut down,
stop making suggestions or going to you with questions. Ultimately, employees
will become disenchanted and will eventually quit to work for another company.

Ok, so, whats the technique sugestion for an startup thats need to manage resources and allow innovation?