selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of May,
2017. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
The Lean Journey: It’s
in the Name
– Jon Miller reflects and explains the meaning of the Lean journey.
Short-Term vs
Long-Term: They Both Matter – Gregg Stocker explains why the
real problem for the organization occurs when people get so consumed with
short-term problems that the long-term becomes an afterthought and what to do
about it.
Are You Putting Out
Fires? Or Leading Improvement? - Tom Stoffel says as organizations
move beyond the foundational process tools, leaders must guide the organization
through the maturity continuum from firefighting, to improvement and standard
processes, to sustaining with management systems, and ultimately to aligning
all of these to meet the strategic goals of the organization.
Is Lean a set of tools
– or a set of principles? | Pascal Dennis – Michel Baudin answers Pascal
Dennis’s question regarding Lean as a set of tools or principles and why you
need to learn the principles behind the tools.
Lean is Not About
Principles – Jon Miller answers the question by explaining the
relationship between tools and principles and whether there is one set of
principles that guide us.
Improving Management
with Tools and Knowledge – John Hunter says widespread and
frequent use of management improvement tools is critical to creating a strong
management system.
Reflecting on Waste – Bruce Hamilton
explains that Ohno and Shingo together frame the technical and social sciences
of what we call Lean today.
3 Recent Audience
Questions on Kaizen & Continuous Improvement – Mark Graban
answers 3 questions about engaging people in improvement and about how to share
and spread improvement ideas broadly.
Want to Respect Your
People? Share the Profits!
- Orest (Orry) Fiume shares ten elements of a successful profit-sharing
plan from experience.
Ask Art: Is Lean a
Strategy? – Art Bryne explains how and why Lean is strategy for
exceptional business performance.
Lean Outside of
Manufacturing – Steve Kane shares the Grand Rapids Fire Department lean
journey, a great example of lean outside of manufacturing.
Easier, Better, Faster,
Cheaper… What’s Missing There? – Mark Graban says that safety is
missing and explains why it is important to make a top priority.

Besides being laser focused on the many Lean tools and principles, one must also be daily focused on company directives and KPI's of S,Q,D,C,M,E in every department every associate, everyday. Then you must set the bar a higher standard ( as in ISO standards) to continue the challenges of faster,cheaper,better and not to become complacent...