selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of August,
2017. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Is Lean a Set of
Principles or a Set of Tools? – Pascal
Dennis says Lean principles (thinking) are the road to transformation.
What it Means to Turn
the PDCA Cycle One More Time –
Jon Miller says each turn of the PDCA cycle lets us peer deeper into the cracks
in our processes where systemic root causes hide.
Motivation and Helping
People Learn, Make a Difference, and Have Fun
– Gregg Stocker says we are here to learn, to make a difference, and to have fun and
what that means to him.
The Hidden Costs of
Batching [Lessons from the Road] – Jamie Flinchbaugh explores
the impact of batching on your processes and on your customers.
The Power of Freed
Capacity – Karen Martin discusses the
power of freed capacity and how you can quantify the results.
When You’re Convinced
You’re Right, You’ve Lost Your Ability to Learn
– Pascal Dennis discussed the corrosive effects of self-righteousness
to personal growth, and hence to lateral learning in an organization.
Life is complicated.
Supply chain management shouldn’t be. – Alexa
Cheater says connecting data, processes and people in your supply chain will
help you embrace the simple life and take back your day.
There Are No Silver
Bullets – Mark Rosenthal explains the real work is understanding
what social and cultural norms in your organization are holding you back and
dealing with those.
The Battle Between
Activity & Action – Marci Reynolds explains why there
is a big difference between activity and action.
Variation in
Definitions of #Lean (The Good, the Bad, and the Different) –
Mark Graban says Lean is not just about cost reduction… it’s more about
“respect for people” and changing the way we do things… which leads to lower
cost as an end result.
It's All About the
Mindset on Gemba Walks – Darren Walsh says approaching
gemba walks with the right mindset can be the deciding factor in how effective
the management team is in eliminating firefighting, making good decisions,
developing people and improving performance.
Why You Should Think of
Lean Tools as Frames – Michael Balle says to understand
the essence of lean thinking, it’s critical to see many of what are popularly
interpreted as powerful tools as frames.
Do You Practice Routine
Personal Development? –
Katie Anderson says we all have to practice daily, without fail, to maintain
our skills and desired habits, work to close our personal behavioral gaps, and
then have space for innovation and developing new skills and habits.