Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1801 - Let Employees Learn Through Failure
need to realize that an employee who is afraid to make mistakes will never take
risks. You know what this means to your business: It won’t grow! When things go
wrong, avoid coming down so hard on your employees that they get scared of
thinking on their own. When you let employees learn to solve problems on their
own, you’ll provide them with more knowledge and power for future tasks and
also strengthen your own confidence in them.
Tip #1802 - Show Employees You Trust Them
you want to help employees develop, trust them to do their jobs by getting out
of the way. Let them know what your expectations are by modeling the behavior
you expect—show them you trust them. This not only lets employees know what
they need to succeed and gives them greater ownership, but it also shows them
that credibility and trust are important in your organization.
Tip #1803 - Develop An Environment of Constant Learning
your employees to explore new techniques for achieving their individual
objectives as well as those set by the company. As you allow them to make
mistakes and learn from them, ensure that you also reward fresh and innovative
ideas. Of course, it’s important to manage the amount of mistakes that are made
so that the job is still getting done satisfactorily. The goal is to strike a
balance that allows your employees to effectively get their job done while
giving them the freedom to discover new methods that could lead to
improvements. When you establish this type of atmosphere, you’ll find that your
workplace will improve more rapidly because individuals are discovering their
best systems and everyone is constantly contributing to the improvement of the
company’s system.
Tip #1804 - Challenge Your Employees to Move Out of Their Comfort Zone.
can’t move forward if you don’t grow and you can’t grow if you never leave your
comfort zone. When possible, give your employees challenging assignments. Help
them prepare by providing them a safe environment to learn from the mistakes
that they are bound to make.
Tip #1805 - Set the Example for Employee Development
employee will see the value of the development process when they see their
current leadership continue to develop personally and professionally. By
modeling this behavior, leaders build credibility and the trust necessary to
encourage employees to participate in development-building activities. It shows
employees that development is part of the organization’s culture. It sends the
message that it’s important for, and expected from, everyone in the
organization to be part of a continual improvement process that nurtures from
Tip #1806 – Challenge Your Staff.
may become bored and dissatisfied if they are performing the same tasks and
projects each day. Give your staff new challenges that are within their
abilities. Provide constructive feedback as they work on new projects. Learning
and mastering new challenges will give your staff a sense of accomplishment. It
shows that you have confidence in their skills and value them as part of the
organization. There are many skill learning opportunities on line that can be
worked on during working hours.
Tip #1807 – Be Passionate About Your Work.
must demonstrate a commitment to the goals of the company. Show your staff how
strongly you believe in the organizational goals and how much you value their
contribution to this endeavor. If you want dedicated employees, be dedicated
yourself. Don't hesitate to speak passionately about what you believe in.
Tip #1808 – Encourage Creativity Amongst Your Team.
your team know you are open to their ideas. Empower them to take their ideas to
the next level by giving positive feedback and constructive advice as
warranted. The opportunity to present and try out ideas can lead employees to
deeper commitment, enhanced problem-solving abilities and greater productivity.
Reward creativity and recognize that these actions help your staff develop
their full potential.
Tip #1809 – Stamp Out ‘Them and Us’ Culture
many organizations, employees feel distant from senior management. Leaders need
to be aware of this and stamp it out in their organization. The message must be
clear: we all work together, but leaders need to work hard to ensure this
filters through to everyone in the organization.
Tip #1810 – Allow Time for Innovation
important to give staff time to innovate and come up with new ideas, different
ways of doing things, and solutions to problems. However, be clear that a
decision is expected; set a time limit and stick to it. Allow time but be
mindful that a good pace is better for business energy.
Tip #1811 – Be a Motivator
beings do things because we want to. Sometimes we want to because the
consequences of not wanting to do something are unpleasant.
most of the time we want to do things because of what we get out of it.
no different at work; people do good work for the pay, or the prestige, or the
recognition. They do bad work because they want to take it easy and still get
paid. They work hard because they want to impress someone. To motivate your
people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them for
doing what you want them to do.
Tip #1812 – Provide Rewards
course, team members need to know when they’ve made mistakes or when they need
to make improvements. But if you only ever communicate with them when they’ve
done something wrong, it can leave them disenfranchised when it comes to your
business. To be a better leader, consider taking the time to recognize or
reward their good work—it may improve the likelihood that they’ll be motivated
and productive at work.
Tip #1813 – Encourage People to Make Contributions
the members of your team know that you welcome their ideas. Leaders who
encourage involvement from group members are often referred to as democratic or
participative leaders. While they retain the final say over all decisions, they
encourage team members to take an active role in coming up with ideas and
has shown that using a democratic leadership style leads to greater commitment,
more creative problem-solving and improved productivity.
Tip #1814 – Keep Trying New Things
says leadership is a one-way relationship? As you work toward developing some
of these leadership qualities, don't forget to look to your followers for
feedback and inspiration. Pay attention to the things that have been effective
in the past and always be on the lookout for new ways to inspire, motivate and
reward group members.
Tip #1815 – Keep Learning
leaders constantly read in order to improve the thoughts and ideas that are
produced in their mind. Reading helps to expand your mind and think quickly
when forced to make tough decisions. You also will want to take any classes
that can help you improve your individual performance and leadership
capabilities. Once you stop learning, you not only fail yourself but you also
fail your team.

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