Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1846 – Get Proactive.
proactive means taking charge and working preventatively. This means you figure
out what steps you need to take before something happens. Being reactive means
you wait until something has happened and then you take action. Being proactive
means you look for opportunity. Challenge your employees to take initiative and
seek out solutions, new ideas, or cost savings. As a group, come up with
creative solutions to the new challenges created by change.
Tip #1847 – Be Part of the Change.
an attitude of anticipation and excitement. See change as an opportunity. Get
involved in new committees and work teams. Be an influencer and driver of
change. That way you will feel empowered and less fearful. See the positive the
way forward.
Tip #1848 – Help Employees Manage Fear.
that some people do not like change, especially when it is not of their
choosing. For people who may be experiencing a mental health issue, this can
include severe worry or fear about their future. Discuss these fears and offer
realistic reassurance to the employee. Consider approaches that could address
these fears such as a temporary reduction in expectations, or additional skills
Tip #1849 – Be Transparent About Business Challenges
transparent about potential challenges that may be experienced as a result of
the changes and jointly look for solutions to address them. Do not pretend the
challenges do not exist nor try to minimize them. By stating the challenges and
concerns before the employees do, you are helping to show you understand their
reality and are working to make it as positive as possible.
Tip #1850 – Keep a Positive Attitude.
attitude as a manager or supervisor will be a major factor in determining what
type of climate is exhibited by your employees. Your attitude is the one thing
that keeps you in control. Change can be stressful and confusing. Try to remain
upbeat, positive, and enthusiastic. Foster motivation in others. During times
of transition and change, try to compensate your employees for their extra
effort. Write a brief note of encouragement; leave an affirming message on
their voice mail; take them aside and tell them what a great job they are
doing; listen to their comments and suggestions. Last, try to instill
organizational change as a personal challenge that everyone can meet…with
Tip #1851 - Reward Excellent Teamwork
of the best ways to build camaraderie in the workplace is to give formal
recognition for employee achievements. One of the best things to praise your
employees for is excellent teamwork.
an individual goes above and beyond their role to help the organization as a
whole, ensure that they feel appreciated for their efforts. Also remember to
appreciate employees who go out of their way to help others in need, even if
this doesn’t correlate with business goals.
gratitude for altruistic behavior is an excellent way to create an awesome,
friendly culture. When you have a workplace where people are rewarded for
helping one another, teamwork will naturally improve.
can come in the form of kind words from a direct manager, or perhaps a photo in
the company’s internal newsletter with a description of the achievement.
Tip #1852 - Don’t Micro-manage
you treat your employees like children who can’t be expected to work like
unsupervised adults, don’t expect them to work together like an effective team!
In order for teamwork to flourish, respect is required.
important to specify goals, set deadlines and give employees all the tools they
need to perform to the best of their abilities, but when you micro manage,
employees will be less inclined to work effectively and more inclined to do
what’s required to please their direct manager.
if an employee is fully committed to the organization, they will never perform
to the best of their abilities if they have someone breathing down their neck.
an alternative to micromanaging, build a culture of trust, respect and honesty.
If you create a wonderful culture, teamwork will naturally flourish.
Tip #1853 - Facilitate Idea Sharing
up either physical or virtual work spaces to enable team members to get
together to brainstorm, share ideas, or discuss progress on projects. An
open-work environment is not always appropriate for team discussions, so you
might need outdoor or remote spaces in the workplace to facilitate team
Tip #1854 - Welcome Questions, Suggestions, and Comments
everyone on the team to put forward their ideas, suggestions, and feedback
regarding the project to identify and correct issues and increase the
effectiveness of the team in a timely manner. Remember that all great ideas and
improvements come up through questions or by looking at a situation from a
different perspective, so encourage all types of input from each team member.
Tip #1855 - Provide Learning Opportunities
offering training or providing learning opportunities on an ongoing basis, you
can strengthen team members’ skills and capabilities for consistent growth and
development. Also, you can assign mentors or hire an external professional
coach to develop specific skills and competencies within the team as well as
individuals. By investing in their
learning opportunities, you’ll also be grooming future leaders. These learning
opportunities can come in the form of furthering their education.
Tip #1856 - Think “Bottom Up”, Not “Top Down”
don’t build a house starting from the roof and working downwards, do you? Well,
the same goes for companies. After all, your people are the bedrock on which
you are founded, and if you don’t know what it’s thinking, you’ll soon run into
trouble. The more your team are asked their opinions, the more they will feel
empowered, trusted and respected – and the more engaged they’ll be.
Tip #1857 – Show Employees You Listen to Them
a clear issue has been identified, then it should be acted upon. More importantly,
it should be visibly addressed, particularly if you have discussed it with
them. Knowing that one’s opinions are not only listened to but also contribute
to change is another way to increase engagement. Use your internal notice
boards to demonstrate what you’ve done in response to what your employees have
Tip #1858 - Share Good Practices and Ideas Between Teams
nothing better than seeing your ideas and work practices being praised, so
ensure that your employees have the opportunity to share and display their very
best work. Peer-to-peer learning is a great way to foster engagement and create
or strengthen links between your employees.
Tip #1859 – Earn Trust Every Day.
provides the essential foundation for your effectiveness as a manager, whether
we’re talking about engagement, innovation, or high performance. To build it,
you need to reveal who you are as a person. Your title and accomplishments
aren’t enough to build better team engagement.
Tip #1860 - Stress Employee Ownership.
can’t create an engaged team if your employees don’t have clear visions of
personal success. Make sure they know that you’re available to provide
guidance, remove barriers, and help them find fulfilling work. However, they
are ultimately the ones responsible for their success.

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