selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of March,
2019. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Kata and Culture Change – Mark Rosenthal talks about using
Toyota Kata as the mechanism for altering the culture of the organization.
Too Rigid, Nor Too Loose – Pascal Dennis talks about the need from principles
over countermeasures which are temporary if you want to transform an
organization or industry.
Limits of Learning From Failure – Kevin Meyer discusses the balance of the
learning experience of failure and the consequences of the failure itself.
is *Not* a Training and Development Activity - Dan Markovitz explains
why your likely to fail if you think Lean is a training and development activity
you need to implement.
Meetings Reveal About a Leader’s Beliefs – Jon Miller says meetings
reveal what the leaders really think about how people should spend their time.
the Follow Up Plan? – Steve Kane says teaching needs to
be followed up with skilled coaching until proficiency in sustaining the new
practice has taken hold.
Ask Art:
Aren’t You a Little “Old School” in Your Kaizen Approach To Implementing Lean
Thinking? – Art Byrne explains why kaizen is not old school and why
it is so necessary for companies.
Designed In
Quality – Jim Morgan talks about how Toyota’s principles and
practices might help you design-in better quality in your products and
Doesn't Apply to Us.... – Mark Graban says while you may be different a better
use of time, perhaps, is to think about how TPS concepts and high-level Lean
management principles can be adapted to your own setting.

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