Good teamwork
helps to build morale in the workplace, which makes workers more productive and
ultimately improves profits. For organizations that have excellent teamwork,
problem-solving is easier – since people with different skills and knowledge
will work together to produce a creative solution.
If you want
your employees to work together and produce great results, here are some tips
to improve teamwork within your organization.
1) Focus on the
big picture
Explain the
long-range plans of the company and reinforce them regularly. People often
become so focused on today's problems and routine duties that they lose sight
of the big picture. When some members of the team concentrate on putting out
fires, others can dedicate more time to reviewing processes to eliminate future
2) Define roles
Outline the
responsibilities of everyone on the team. This is crucial to the team's
success. Understanding each other's duties and deadlines helps people work
collaboratively. Encourage the team to define the division of labor themselves.
They'll take on more responsibility if they are in control and someone may even
offer a previously untapped talent.
3) Set goals
Team members
need to develop individual and group goals. Urge them to set achievable and
measurable short-term goals, as well as long term ones. With team-driven goals
and a team-developed code of ethics, the group will begin to self-manage. Peer
pressure and individual pride will help curb absenteeism, lateness and poor
4) Share
The rumor mill
is a drain on productivity and morale. Earn your team's respect and trust with
openess and honesty. During times of change, reveal as much as you can and
promise to update them as soon as you can.
5) Establish
Be trustworthy
and dependable. Honor your word. If you're the boss and you promise a day off
with pay if the sales team meets their target, follow through on it. If you're
a team member and offer to obtain information for a colleague, make it a
priority. Treat all members of the team consistently and fairly and don't play
6) Listen
Be open to the
team's ideas, presented in a formal suggestion program or in a brainstorming
session. Thoroughly consider all suggestions and respond to the individual or
entire team, whichever is more appropriate. Many companies spend hundreds of
thousands of dollars on consultants without first asking employees for their
suggestions on productivity improvements, service enhancements or new product
7) Provide
Challenge each
team member to participate and contribute. Urge them to take additional
training if necessary and to step outside their comfort zones to develop their
own unique talents. Change people's responsibilities often. Acknowledge each
individual's strengths and offer positive reinforcement.
8) Praise the
achievements together. Reward the team, not an individual. Every group will
have a star that excels at everything. Recognize this privately and through the
performance review process but to foster teamwork, eliminate any opportunity
for professional jealousy. Always speak positively about your team. Showcase
their talent and recognize their dedication, efforts and successes publicly.
9) Be
Enthusiasm is
contagious. Be positive, upbeat and hopeful. Always expect great things from
your team and they'll do their best not to disappoint you. Focus on what's
going right even if, at times, everything seems to be going wrong.
10) Delegate
Explain what
needs to be done and how to do it, then let go. Better yet, describe the
problem or the desired end result and let the team develop the action plan
together. Trust the individuals and the team as a whole to complete their
assigned tasks correctly and on time. If you've set a project review meeting
for next Tuesday, resist the temptation to ask for an update today. Trust the
team to meet the deadline.
Teamwork isn’t
something that we can forcefully impose upon our workers. Instead, good
teamwork will naturally occur when there is a healthy workplace culture, where
employees are treated as individuals and open communication is celebrated.
Put these tips
to the test and you’ll see improved teamwork, boosted morale, and better
cooperation. This will lead to increased productivity from employees,
increasing the overall success of your company.

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