A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of June, 2019.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
The Worst Lean Advice - Bob Emiliani
explains from experience typical poor advice to starting a Lean journey.
How to Choose a
Continuous Improvement Approach – Jon Miller provides a brief summary
of TQM, BPM, Lean and Six Sigma methods of continuous improvement.
What is Courage &
How does it relate to True North? – Pascal Dennis says achieving True
North requires all the cardinal virtues and none more than courage.
Back to Basics –
Customer Value – Al Norval explains Lean as engagement
of all people in driving continuous improvement through the elimination of
waste to improve Customer Value.
Observe with Purpose – Jamie Flinchbaugh
explains why direct observation at the gemba needs to be purposeful.
Why Checklists are
Important – Anthony Manos explains the importance of using a simple
tool like a checklist to avoid factory machine breakdowns, not just for
productivity purposes, but also safety reasons.
Creating Continuous
Improvement with Lean Metrics - Leyna O'Quinn shares Lean metrics that
are instrumental in helping teams deliver continuous improvement.
3 Tips for Overcoming
Confirmation Bias – Ron Pereira says an excellent way to counter the need
to seek out confirmation bias is to stop worrying about what you, or others,
think and run your own experiments in order to see what can be learned.
Lean: A Combination of
“Why?” and “Why Not?” – Mark Graban says while we can ask
“why?” we can also ask, “Why not?” in a way that triggers and encourages
improvement, innovation, and a break from “the way we've always done it.”
Cost Saving is
Tired--Value Creation is Hot! – Jean Cunningham says Lean affects
financial outcomes, don’t fixate on cost reduction or product cost, look at the
real numbers.
Go and See: Where The
Magic Is - Nicolas Chartier explains why the magic happens at the
gemba where you will discover unexpected opportunities for growth.
Ask Art: How Can I
Engage All Our Leaders to Learn and Teach Lean? – Art Byrne says
that kaizen will get you a lot of “learn by doing” gains among the
people who you need to drive lean forward and will not only build great
teamwork but start to build the learning environment necessary to become a lean
Lean Graft
Incompatibility – Bob Emiliani shares a practical way to understand how
Lean management usually fails to take hold in brownfield organizations that
have for years been governed by classical management thinking and practice.

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