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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Guest Post: The Common Traits of Highly Successful Team Leaders

Successful team leadership is not an easy skill to put into practice, and indeed many managers to not display the hallmarks of individuals who will thrive in such a position. What, therefore, are the characteristics of inspirational leaders?

They look to lead their team members to individual success
Truly inspirational and effective leaders understand that one of the most important aspects of their job is to oversee the personal and career growth of their team members. The practice of stunting growth for self-preservation reasons does not enter the mind of a real leader.

“One argument that can be made against bringing along team members to personal success is that you ultimately lose them, but that is the completely wrong way of looking at things. Not only do successful leaders understand that a motivated, qualified and encouraged employee will be a thousand times more productive and valuable to the team, but the model by which you do that can be repeated when the time comes for that employee to move on to something greater,” says Sheridan Watkins, an HR manager at LastMinuteWriting and Writinity.

Which means they train their staff
Not only does training your staff lead to better-qualified employees, it shows that you value them and are willing to invest in them. and ultimately this will lead employees to greater opportunities of promotion and individual success, which successful team leaders want.

They care
Cynics may say that managers only care because a team member with problems is a less productive team member. Perhaps successful leaders are not altruistic in their concern, but forging relationships is a vital aspect of motivating teams and inspiring them to success. Caring is human nature, so what if it also happens to help team performance. The end result is one and the same: a happier employee.

They create an open and inspirational environment
The environment created by successful team leaders is one in which ever member of the group feels valued, and can be honest about their concerns. Input is valued from every individual, and issues of rank are considered irrelevant when opinions are taken. Team members listen as well as speak, and everyone works towards the same goal. This is as true of a sports team as it is with a business team.

They share credit and take the blame
One of the biggest gripes of disgruntled employees is that their managers do not pat them on the back at the right time, yet are quick to point the finger. Real leaders give credit (when it is due) and always take responsibility, especially in situations when other teams and senior managers are involved. Hard conversations take place privately. This is all about winning and maintaining respect, which good leaders are able to do.

They delegate, and for the right reasons
Successful team leaders are successful delegators, but that is because they understand that team members need to feel valued, and the best way of doing that is to give them the tasks that really matter. Many managers may fail to delegate because they feel a) they will do a better job themselves or b) it will be too time-consuming to delegate the task but then oversee it (which is especially true if the task is given to a team member who has never completed that task before).

“Delegation is not just about being more efficient, although this of course is one of the main benefits. Delegating is also about empowering other individuals to take on activities which give them a feeling of self-worth and achievement. And that means the process of delegating may occur not because it is the most efficient way of doing it, but because it is the way that most improves individuals and fosters the greatest team ethos. It can sometimes be seen as a sacrifice that exists for the greater good, and good leaders recognize this,” argues Stanley Ramos, a journalist at DraftBeyond and ResearchPapersUK.

But they still lead from the front
The best leaders do not need to be involved in everything that is going on all the time because they have successfully forged a team that is able to work without the need for micromanagement. However, they still lead, meaning that they are there to guide in the right direction, advise when the time is right, and face up to the tough moments.

They listen
One final point. Good leaders are often the best listeners. Ultimately, they may decide to forge their own course, but only after they have really listened to the input of team members and weighed up all the options.

About the Author: 
Professional writer, management expert and recruiter Ashley Halsey can be found contributing her business insights at Lucky Assignments and Gum Essays, where she has established her reputation as an erudite and intelligent observer of management trends.

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