A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of September, 2019.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
to Be an Effective Change Leader – Jon Miller describes 4 key points
that make Lean leaders more effective.
Problem of Profit as a Purpose – Kevin Meyer explains that a primary focus
on profit can create short term rewards, but can also create tremendous if not
deadly long term reputation and financial damage and, most importantly, hurt
people and society.
Tips For More Meaningful Team Building Experiences – Marci Reynolds
shares 8 tips for more meaningful team building experiences for our employees.
The Cancer of
Fear – Mark Rosenthal discusses how fear based leadership systematically
breaks down trust, which chokes off the truth from every conversation.
Improvement System Flavors – John Hunter says Agile is not the new Lean
rather they are similar but start with Lean first.
What is a
Thinker-Doer? – Bruce Hamilton discusses the transformative power of many
small improvements converging from all points transforming your organization to
a thinker-doer culture.
Does Leader as a Teacher Really Mean? – Al Norval talks about the need for leaders
to build the capability of their people in order to achieve the desired
Lean Six Sigma Belt Program Is the Problem – Dan Markovitz discusses the
issues with organizations that focus on the acquisition of colored belts
instead of daily kaizen.
Data-Driven Delays – Bob
Emiliani explains the reasons data bias causes delays in taking action or
results in maintaining the status quo.
Best Indicator of Success with Lean – Jon Miller says a well functioning
andon system is a good indicator of management
commitment to Lean management.
the Mistakes I’ve Made… Kevin Meyer explains the importance of reflecting
on mistakes is to learn, then move
forward, change and improve, and perhaps even teach.
Lesson: Don’t Get Crushed Because of Bad Standardized Work – Mark Graban
says if kaizen-based improvement is truly a “change for the better,” why would
people go back to their old ways.
Ask Art: What
Foundational Items Must I Be A Zealot About? – Art Byrne shares 3 foundational
areas that you must focus on to make the lean fundamentals work.

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