A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of October, 2019.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Thinking and the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences – Jon Miller revisits
two authors who won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences and some of their
basic thinking on effective approaches to address the problem of poverty and
the parallels with Lean efforts to increase wealth.
We Can Easily Miss Signals in Our Metrics When We Rely on Red / Green Analysis
– Mark Graban explains why the he red / green mindset is simple, but maybe it's
too simple to be helpful.
to know what to do when your boss doesn’t get Lean? – Paul Akers answers the
popular question often asked about what to do when my boss doesn’t get lean with
practical advice.
Tours R Us – Bruce Hamilton
reminds of the importance of sharing best practicing within our own companies for
our employees learning and recognition.
Leaders Must Be “ON” All The Time – Marci Reynolds says leaders must
operate as if he or she are living in a fish bowl because everyone can look in
and watch you.
Inventory a waste or a cover-up of deeper waste? – Al Norval explains
that inventory always hides a deeper source of waste and we need to be able to
learn to see that and understand the root cause to take the next step.
fine line of effective 5S in lean manufacturing – Tim Heston says
you need to find that fine line between over-control and under-control, between
insufficient management and micromanagement, and all five S’s, including
“sustain,” will thrive.
Winning With Lean – Bob Emiliani
discusses why many CEOs don’t think lean tools are necessary to get an
advantage over the competition.
to Get the Most Out of Your NFL Franchise with TPM – Jon Miller shared a fun
creative article explaining the concepts of TPM using NFL teams as the machines.
Wisdom of Humility – Kevin Meyer reflects on the impact of mistakes on
leadership, and how important humility becomes to learning from those mistakes.
Orr on What She Learned by Leaving Toyota – Mark Graban talked to Jess Orr,
a former Toyota engineer who shared perspectives on what it was like to now
lead continuous improvement in another company.
Ask Art: At
What Pace Should A Lean Turnaround Be Implemented?” – Art Byrne shares advice
on how to do a turnaround and how fast a turnaround can and should be done.
Why Doesn't
Lean Have a Seat at the Table? – Steven Spear talks about why Lean is still
not a prominent strategy for C-level leaders.

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