A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of November 2019.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
KAIZEN – Small Changes
vs. Monster Projects – Al Norval explains why small changes add up to big
10 Behaviors to
Practice Respect for People – Jon Miller shares 10 foundational
behaviors that promote mutual respect from Virginia Mason.
You’ll NEVER “Find”
Time for Continuous Improvement – Jeff Hajek answers the common question
making time for continuous improvement.
The Psychology of Lean
Methods – Maja Majewski says Ultimately, what differentiates Lean
from other business methodologies is its emphasis on people and process over
The Manga Style In The
Japanese Literature On Manufacturing – Michel Baudin looks at the unique characteristic
of the Japanese literature on manufacturing is its use of comic strips — or
manga — to communicate with readers.
Please, Not Another
Argument for MBWA – Dan Markovitz explains why we need to do away with
unstructured visits to the shop floor if you want to really know what is going
Creating a Lean Culture – Bob Emiliani
talks about leaders no wanting to do the hard work of creating a Lean culture.
Are Younger Employees
the Only Ones Who Want Fair, Real-Time Feedback? – Mark Graban shows
why more frequent feedback teaches us how to react less and lead more
effectively, so we can improve more.
You’re Not the Hero – Ron Pereira
explains that for true and lasting continuous improvement success we must rise
above the need for hero status and realize our main purpose is to guide,
mentor, and serve.
How to Measure the M in
SQDCM – Jon Miller says a healthy business needs a work environment
that is pleasant, motivating, and hopeful.
Leading Lean from the
Middle of the Organization – Steve Kane discusses creating
demand for continuous improvement.
The Wisdom of Humility – Kevin Meyer says
recognizing and accepting that we don’t know everything and exposing our
vulnerability to mistakes to others is critical for effective leadership.
Overcoming a Fear Of
Failure Culture – Andrew Quibell shares 10 steps to avoid temporary
solutions, band-aids, and get to root cause.
Failure is a
Requirement for Innovation – Al Norval says it’s only a thin
line that separates success from failure.
Why Lean is a
Time-based Strategy – Orry Fiume explains why lean uses time to gain a
competitive advantage.
Ask Art: Why is Takt
Time So Important in a Lean Turnaround? – Art Byrne says the lean
fundamental of “work to takt time” is the driving force that ties everything

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