A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of December 2019.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
How to be Tough on
Process, Easy on People – Jon Miller explains how can we be tough
on process and easy on people through our interactions to strengthen the
Troubleshooting by
Defining Standards – Mark Rosenthal shares a series of questions that, if
asked and addressed in sequence, can help you troubleshoot a process.
Two Pillars of the Lean
Business System – Pascal Dennis discusses the two pillars of Lean,
continuous improvement and respect for people.
Making the Invisible
Visible in Design Projects – Al Norval describes how to make
invisible work like that in design projects visible.
Practicing Gratitude
within the Daily Accountability Process – Jon Miller shares an example of
putting appreciation into the daily accountability agenda meeting.
Making People and
Making Things – in Japan or Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood – Mark Graban says
a truly Lean organization has that sense of respect for each individual — that
everyone's job is important and contributes to the goals.
Let Joy Power Your
Organization's Flight – Richard Sheridan outlines the
relevant principles that cause human teams to fly so we can begin designing
organizations that can fly and fly fast and far to amazing destinations.
What Ever Happened to
Mura? – Ken Eakin says we need to bring the two lost Ms of muri
and mura back into the basic “Lean 101” curriculum and vocabulary.
Ask Art: What Do You
Mean When You Say “Productivity equals Wealth”? – Art Byrne
explains that if done correctly productivity is the greatest wealth creator in
the world.
Learning from Toyota
Way Principles versus Copying Toyota practices – Jeffrey Liker
explains why there are no “solutions” from Toyota, only ideas and copying
Toyota’s culture is ill advised.

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