A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of March 2020.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Improvement Must Be Continuous – Wayne Chaneski say it’s easy to do
the work to improve your facility and then want to sit back to see how things
go unfortunately, this leads to complacency, which is hard to overcome.
Unexpected Benefit of Cancelling Everything – Jon Miller shares 5 examples
of Lean transformation to restart a better way after the we resume from the unprecedented
Why Lean
Remains A Superior Business Model and Way of Thinking - Daniel T. Jones
shares some conclusions from research and experimentation over the past 30
years of disseminating Lean from Toyota.
Difference Between Naive, Purposeful, and Deliberate Practice – Ron Pereira
how Gladwell misinterpreted the research and, to be blunt, got most of the
“10,000 rule” concept wrong.
AS A LEAN MANAGER? - Michael Ballé explains the role of a
lean manager and why they are so important.
Is trust
essential for lean success? – Jamie Flinchbaugh says Lean
transformation, with its focus on collaboration and empowerment, is
particularly sensitive to the foundation of trust within the organization.
Tips for Managing Your Newly-Remote Day – Johanna Rothman
shares advice on working in this new normal amid the coronavirus quarantines.
and COVID-19 – Bob Emiliani explains why Lean management should be part of
the recovery plan for every business post COVID-19.
Of The Crisis: The Deming Institute’s Response to COVID-19 – Kevin Cahill talks
about that remarkable ability that a crisis has to bring people together to
make things better.
Sinek – Remote Teaming Tips – Mark Rosenthal shares Simon Sinek’s
weekly huddle advice in this new remote team environment.
A Few
Nuggets on Lean Product Development – Jamie Flinchbaugh discussed 3
points that can speed up your new product development.
the Lessons of Crisis – Kevin Meyer says lessons are being
taught by the coronavirus outbreak, but it’s important to use them to analyze
the broader perspective.
Reasons Why It’s Hard to Stay Lean – Jon Miller shares five reasons that were
inspired by the five realities of our biology that make it difficult to keep
weight off.
People a Sense of Certainty Through New Routines – Steve Kane explains how
to help people establish and adjust to new routines quickly they will become
the new normal.
Need to Lead By Example, Especially in a Crisis – Mark Graban shares examples
of leading by example from recent events in the news surrounding COVID-19 that
we can all learn from.
How Can Lean Help
Respond to Crises? - Michael Ballé explains lean
thinking is about training to solve small crises – problems – daily and how it
can be used in the COVID-19 crisis.
Coping with
COVID-19: Lessons from The Plague - John Y. Shook shares six thoughts he
using to guide him toward more effective hunkering during COVID-19.