A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of June 2020.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
The Genius in
Simplicity — 5 Lessons in Kaizen to Improve Our Lives – Brendan McGurgan discusses
a deep reflection after talking with Paul Akers of 5 areas of our lives where a
Lean mentality and application of Kaizen will have profound effects.
Towards Non-scale
Management – Jon Miller says that people get the point of Taiichi
Ohno’s book Toyota Production wrong, it was about the desire to get to no scale
Lean Outside the
Factory - Reverse Magic! – Pascal Dennis reminds us the next
frontier of lean is the office, where we need to make the invisible, visible.
Andon – Putting Quality
at the Forefront – Al Norval explains the key connection between detecting
abnormalities and stopping the process for humans to solve problems is andon.
Do You Really
Understand the Problem You’re Trying to Solve? – Dan Markovitz
shares four tips that can help you improve your problem framing and therefore
your problem solving.
Why coaching? – Jamie Flinchbaugh
explains why coaching is the most important leadership capability for effective
problem solving.
Do Generalists or
Specialists Win in 2020? – Marci Reynolds believes in 2020
and beyond, that it’s less about using a specialist or generalist approach, and
more about using a flexible, adaptable approach.
Team Improvement:
Management Desires vs Team Reality – Johanna Rothman explains what
happens when managers don’t understand the reality and are too focused on a
specific solution instead of the desired outcome.
Reflections on Respect
and Countermeasures — In Workplaces and Society - Mark Graban
discusses the need for being proactive, experimentation, and respect since
there is no single magical root cause not one countermeasure will do.
Lean Must Learn From
Black Lives Matter - Bob Emiliani
shares thoughts Lean management adoption by CEOs and what could be done to
increase the number of CEOs come around.
Lean Thinking for
Solving Systemic Problems - Jon Miller discusses the insights
that lean thinking offers to solve systemic problems and how that relates to
current events.
Five Revolutions Into
the Lean Journey: What's Next? – Daniel Jones says the current
pandemic serves as an opportunity for us to rethink the world of enterprise and
explains five different revolutions of Lean.
How to Show Respect
During a Pandemic – Katrina Appell shares a helpful framework to show
respect which is challenging under normal business conditions especially
challenging during COVID.
How to Fail At Lean in
Four Easy Steps – Regis Medina shares four ways to fail at Lean as means
bring success to your own Lean journey.

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