A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of September 2020. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Solving Complex Problems: Systems First, or Individual First? - Jamie Flinchbaugh shares a series of questions to help you frame complex problems to focus on system or individuals first.
How to Build High-Performance Teams through Lean Practices - Jon Miller advices using high performance teams to lay a foundation for sustaining continuous improvement vias specific lean practices.
Building Quality Into The Process - Pascal Dennis talks about building quality into the process through a familiar example frequent clothing size checks for growing boy.
“Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” - Al Norval says that most organizations have a strategic plan but few outside the leadership knows what it is.
Jumping to a Solution (Gun Crime Edition) - Dan Markovitz uses a recent article on homicides and gun crimes to highlight the difficulty of not jumping to conclusions when framing a complex problem.
Eliminate Busy-Work to Create Engagement - Johann Rothman talks about how busy-work creates disengagement and why to eliminate especially when we return from our home offices to the workplace.
Is the Right Attitude Enough? - Jamie Flinchbaugh explains the importance of backing positive attitude with thoughtful and purposeful action to get what you desire.
CEO Akio Toyoda’s Perspectives on the Toyota Production System - Mark Graban discusses key points regarding engaging people by asking questions instead of lecturing them from recent publication on Akio Toyoda’s perspective of TPS.
Akio Toyoda’s Take on TPS - Jon Miller shares his thoughts on Akio Toyoda’s take on TPS.
Akio Toyoda’s View of TPS: A Critical Analysis - Bob Emiliani shares his perspective on Akio Toyoda’s view of TPS, a different perspective then others.
The Stabilizing Foundation of Values - Kevin Meyer talks about values and why they are so important to your actions and strategy.
Tap the Power of Flow to Develop Lean Thinkers - Gert Frick & Eivind Reke discuss flow in people development.
Ask Art: What Was Danaher Like In the Early Days of Lean? – Art Byrne shares the history of Danaher’s lean journey over the last several decades.
Lean Lessons from Cobra Kai(zen) and the Karate Kid- Michael Balle shars some explicit values the film Karate Kid shares with Lean and Kaizen.
Lean Peeves – Bruce Hamilton
shares the first of his 16 Lean peeves which is about waste modifiers. The
collection these are all worth reading.

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