A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of May 2021. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
How to Solve Hard Problems with Kaizen Events – Jon Miller discusses how kaizen events help people and organizations solve some of the harder problems.
What is a Healthy Company? – Dan Markovitz shares characteristics of a healthy organization which goes beyond a healthy balance sheet.
Why Do ‘Smart’ People Struggle with Strategy? – Pascal Dennis explains in strategy there is no right answer there is only a right process.
Healthy Organizational Cultures Focus on Humanity and Connection (Not Your Whole Self) – Johanna Rothman describes healthy organizations as those who’s cultures focus on humanity and connections instead of divisiveness.
The Future of Work, and the Workplace, Post-Covid – Jamie Flinchbaugh analyzes some of the changes in a post-pandemic world positive and negative.
Rethinking the Need for Lean – Bob Emiliani discusses how Lean can be the answer for human rights and environmental issues.
Lessons from Twelve Years in Pursuit of Zero – Jon Miller talks about the stunning feat where the U.S. domestic airline industry achieved twelve years without a fatal crash and the lessons applicable to zero accident cultures.
On Learning, Listening, and Wisdom – Kevin Meyer talks about how lean leaders wisdom comes from listening to the knowledge then challenging to find new pathways where other knowledge – and perhaps tools – can be applied.
Is “Red & Green” Really Lean? Process Behavior Charts are Better – Mark Graban explains there is a better way to identify issues using process behavior charts instead of red/green color-coding metrics.
Understand Before You Execute – Jim Morgan share the benefits of understanding this principle of lean product and process development.
Visual Replenishment
Delivers for Zingerman’s - Karen Gaudet & Jonathan Katz talk about Zingerman's
Mail Order lean journey.
Can You Assess Your Way to Lean? – Jeffrey Liker explains trying to assess your way to lean mechanistically generally fails in achieving high-performing lean systems.
Multiply the Improvers in Your Organization Every Day - Andrew Quibell shares ways you can multiply the number of improvers in your business.
Ask Art: Why
Switch from Batch to Lean? – Art Byrne discusses the benefits of moving
from traditional batch processes to lean flow improvements.

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