leaders indeed differ from other people, and possess some common personality
traits that make them capable of being effective in a leadership role. These
core traits can predict leadership effectiveness, and organizations looking for
a leader would do well to check for these characteristics in potential
Over the years,
I have read and saved many lists that detail the characteristics of
historically great leaders from business, sports, politics, the military and
other areas. Looking back on all these lists, these 10 leadership qualities constantly
crop up, in no particular order:
Integrity: People
want leaders they can trust to act for the greater good and tell the truth. We
want leaders who act according to their stated principles, are honest with us
and keep their word.
2. Humility: As we shift away from command
and control leadership, we gravitate toward leaders who are approachable and
don’t hold themselves above others. When leaders show humility and
vulnerability, others instinctively want to work with them to achieve their
Empowering Others: Great
leaders trust the people on their team and coach them to make important
decisions without micromanagement. They don’t do everything themselves—instead,
they set clear vision and values, and direct others to work according to those
guiding principles.
4. Great
Communication: Leaders
must communicate well, both to move others to action and to ensure their
directives are well-understood. It’s no surprise that we often celebrate
leaders who deliver historic speeches or impactful quotes. Great leaders also
give their teams the information they need to excel.
Forward-Thinking: A
great leader sets a compelling vision for the future, attracting and convincing
others to want to join their movement. These leaders are capable of sharing
their vision with clarity and specificity, and they are passionate about the
execution of those goals.
6. Empathy: We want our leaders to demonstrate
empathy and an ability to relate to those they lead, especially in moments of
crisis. A leader cannot effectively lead someone if they fail to understand
their fundamental needs, and if they cannot connect others’ fulfillment to their
Competence: Leaders
must be capable of doing the job at hand, and surround themselves with
competent people. Competent leaders don’t know how to do everything, but are
skilled at identifying people whose abilities complement their own, and bringing
them into the fold. They also aren’t afraid to hire people who are smarter than
they are.
Accountable: Great
leaders have a “the buck stops here,” mentality. History is filled with leaders
who credit their teams for their successes and accept personal responsibility
for the team’s failures. Poor leaders do the opposite, taking credit for their
teams’ accomplishments and distancing themselves from accountability.
Gratitude: One of
the core responsibilities of a leader is to consider the needs of the many. A
mindset of gratitude pushes leaders to focus less on themselves and more on how
they can value and strengthen others.
Self-Awareness: Leaders
must be aware of their own strengths and limitations. They have to build a team
that magnifies their strengths and limits their weaknesses. Leaders are also
open to criticism and willing to do the sometimes-painful work required to
There are many
qualities that are essential to being a great leader. Some of them may come
naturally to you, and others may not. But the more you can develop these
qualities in your own skill set, the more successful you’ll be.
Leadership is a
journey of continuous learning. It is an amazing experience that will take you
on roads you’ve never traveled before.

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