A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of September 2021.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Coaching Problem Solvers at Toyota – Jon Miller expounds on how people at Toyota develop problem solvers through coaching.
Your Problem Solving Spectrum - Jamie Flinchbaugh says that while there is a critical mass of problem solving your job as a leader is to stretch the profile of your team.
Why ‘Pulling Out All the Stops’ is Very Bad Thing - Jeff Hajek explains this common expression about getting things done should not stand in the way of problem solving and continuous improvement.
My First Lesson - Bruce Hamilton shares the first lesson he learned from Hajime Oba when he started down his lean journey at United Electric Controls.
Walt Disney -- Lean Thinker and More on Walt Disney - Pascal Dennis shares why Walt Disney was an early Lean pioneer and how that contributed to business success.
How to Create Your Own Team Board Without Spending a Ton of Time or Money - Johanna Rothman shares several steps you can use to get started with your own team board.
How to Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement – John Knotts talks about the importance of a CI culture and how to build one in your organization.
The Value of Friction and Inefficiency – Kevin Meyer says working to become more efficient is great, but recognize the value of some level of inefficiency and friction.
How Important Is Physical Presence on the Gemba? Jon Miller says in this virtual age you can not replace the need to physically be present in the Gemba.
How Lean Can Help You Go Green - Gary Cundill and Rose Heathcote explain how to use lean thinking and practices to create sustainable business practices.
Coach’s Corner: How To Put People First Using Lean Practices - Katrina Appell expands upon what it means and takes to be a people first leader.
3 Go-To Ways for Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement Anywhere - Kiyoshi "Nate" Furuta says To reach a state of endless continuous improvement, executives must lead the company in making a critical leap from management-driven improvements to employee-driven improvements.
Ask Art: How Do Improvements to Your Balance Sheet Drive Earnings? – Art Byrne explains one place to start for significant improvement in financial performance is by focusing and fixing your balance sheet.

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