A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of April 2022. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
The Natural – Bruce Hamilton shares a story about what refers to as “naturals” those employees who excel at specific aspects of the business.
Why Are You Asking Questions? – Mark Rosenthal explains the type of questions a leader should ask to help those who bring problems to the leader.
Problem Solving and the Worlds of Reflection & Experience – Pascal Dennis says good problem solving entails moving fluidly between the worlds of reflection and experience.
The Continuous Improvement Learning Cycle - Steve Musica shares a simple, proven improvement cycle to experiment and learn in organizations that can be applied to personal change.
Have Faith & Trust the Process – Ron Pereira discusses the importance of trusting the process not only in our professional lives but also our personal lives.
Engaging Partners and Suppliers on Your CI Journey – John Knotts shares 5 steps if you are serious about engaging your partners and suppliers in your continuous improvement journey.
The Hierarchy of Action – Ryan McCall explains that you need to keep the hierarchy of action in mind the next time you’re leading others to take action.
Meeting Strategic Objectives - Patricia Panchak shares story of how Turner Construction uses hoshin kanri (strategy deployment) and A3 problem-solving to create a management system that ensures it achieves its strategic business objectives.

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