Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Lean Tip #3016 – Leaders Should Serve as Role Models
Idealized influence is another of the four key components of transformational leadership. Transformational leaders exemplify the behaviors and characteristics that they encourage in their followers. They walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviors.
Lean Tip #3017 – Leaders Have a Positive Attitude
Transformational leaders have an upbeat, optimistic attitude that serves as a source of inspiration for followers. If leaders seem discouraged or apathetic, members of the group are likely to also become uninspired.
Even when things look bleak and your followers start to feel disheartened, try to stay positive. This does not mean viewing things through rose-colored glasses. It simply means maintaining a sense of optimism and hope in the face of challenges.
Lean Tip #3018 – Leaders Motivate Followers
Transformational leaders provide inspirational motivation to encourage their followers to get into action.
Of course, being inspirational isn't always easy. Fortunately, you don't need motivational speeches to rouse your group members.
Some ideas for leadership inspiration include being genuinely passionate about ideas or goals, helping followers feel included in the process and offering recognition, praise, and rewards for people's accomplishments.
Lean Tip #3019 – Get Your Hands Dirty
Humility is the lubricant oil that minimizes friction within a team. And “getting your hands dirty” is one of the best ways of staying humble.
Lead by example.
Never ask an employee to do something you wouldn’t do yourself.
Serve people before asking for a favor, listen to other people’s ideas, be open-minded, and be willing to admit your mistakes.
Lean Tip #3020 - Learn to be a Team Player
No matter how good of a manager you are or how smart and talented you feel, if you try to do all the work yourself, you’ll get burned out — delegating work is one of the core skills of any great leader.
So, how do you become a team player in the workplace.
It all starts with the intention.
Celebrate your peers’ success, appreciate other people’s work, be reliable and open-minded, and you will build trust.
Once they trust you, it’ll be much easier to build a cohesive team that gets the work done efficiently.
Lean Tip #3021 – Improve Workflow Efficiency By Analyzing Your Current Processes
Before you can do anything else, you need to analyze the workflow processes you already have in place. This includes seeking feedback from your employees on how procedures work as they are. The point is to determine what is and isn’t working with the way you do things now. You need to analyze your current workflow based on the different roles. This will help you determine how to optimize these procedures to work better.
Lean Tip #3022 – Prioritize Projects Based on Importance
Once you understand your current processes, you
need to rank them based on their importance to your overall plans. This
requires breaking down each project to schedule the different tasks necessary.
The idea is to schedule each task in a project based on how important it is to
complete each project. This requires the correct tools to track the projects
your employees are working on.
Lean Tip #3023 – Implement Proper Training
It’s essential to have the proper training processes to ensure that employees do their job effectively. To do this correctly, track and schedule training for your employees. This also includes optimizing the training procedures so that employees get only the training they need. Ensuring your workers know how to do their job well and understand all safety procedures provides a good start for success.
Lean Tip #3024 –Organize Efficiently
By keeping workflows efficient means organizing projects and schedules, so everyone knows what’s required. You need to have processes in place to track employee’s productivity. You also need to have schedules in place to follow employee’s time spent on projects. Having good timekeeping processes is essential to organizing time efficiently.
To get the most out of your employees’ time, you have to cut down on unnecessary interruptions. This includes cutting down on unnecessary communications, including time-wasting meetings. You also need to cut down on unnecessary tasks or tasks going to the wrong people. This also includes placing time limits on each project. It’s essential to optimize everyone’s time.
Lean Tip #3025 – Optimize Communications
Optimizing communications is more than cutting down on time-wasting meetings. You also need to have proper methods in place to let people know what’s expected of them.
It’s important to make it easy to track employees’ projects and their progress on these projects. You also need efficient ways to organize and assign tasks, with proper methods to inform every one of their assignments. Finding automation tools that can work together will help processes run smoothly.
Lean Tip #3026 – Make Important Information Easily Accessible
No matter how complex or simple a project, your team needs easy access to everything required to get the job done. That’s why you should give your team quick access to appropriate company databases, technology guides, and training manuals. Providing this information through readily accessible channels can help your team focus on work instead of hunting for resources.
Lean Tip #3027 - Delegate and Empower Decision-Making
Create accountability and allow your employees to be in charge of their own routine. People work better at different times of the day; others need to collaborate, versus work independently. Allow your team to determine their own workflow routine, and ensure everyone stays on task and liable for their own success.
Empower them to complete their tasks without roadblocks. Divide labor and assign projects to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Make sure it’s clear to the team who is responsible for what — especially if you have remote employees. Less is more, and the less micromanaging the better.
Lean Tip #3028 – Allow Employees to Be Transparent.
If you want to make a change, say it. Same goes for your employees. If they have any concerns or too much on their plate, they shouldn’t be afraid to tell you. If you or your employees are afraid to talk about what’s on your minds, it will distract everyone, slowing everything down.
Lean Tip #3029 – Measure Productivity of Team
It is fair to mention that it is impossible to determine whether your workflow is streamlining properly without comparing various metrics. It is, therefore, essential to take steps for measuring the productivity of your employees in terms of taking time to accomplish various tasks. A customized task management tool can show the performance of every employee in real-time.
Managers can see who is working on which projects and how many tasks have been accomplished on an interactive dashboard. It helps them measure the productivity of employees. It also makes employees more productive and efficient as their performance is viewed closely.
Lean Tip #3030 – Keep Refining Your Process
Even the best designed workflows need to be reassessed periodically, especially as a business grows. Continuous monitoring and review are essential for process improvement, or to incorporate automation and new workflows. Engaging peers, suppliers and vendors can all add value to your organization.
The key to success in workflow process
management is to implement best practices that suit your company’s needs and

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