selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of October
2022. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
What Should Be Your Target OEE?
– Christopher Roser explains OEE and what is a good target based on your business.
Chess, and Techno-Solutionism – Kevin Meyer discusses impact of technology
on Lean and problem solving with the understanding that it is a tool not a
solution itself.
Big Problems Into Little Problems – John Knotts shares some tools you can use
to break down a problem.
Meta-cognition and Leadership – Pascal Dennis discusses best practice
sharing within organizations.
Why FIFO: The Benefits of
First In, First Out – Christopher Roser talks about the benefit of
implementing FIFO in your production system.
to Improve Employee Engagement in the Workplace - Brittany Currier shares 5
strategies to improve employee engagement in your workplace.
Deployment: Examples, Techniques, and Tools - Adam Darnell discusses all
things policy deployment including 4 phases of implementation, key to success,
and software to use.
Connections Between Joy in Work and Habitual Excellence, via Value Capture –
Mark Graban shares notes from a presentation that Rich Sheridan gave at the
Michigan Lean Consortium annual conference in August.
Art: How Important are Your Suppliers to Implementing Lean Production? –
Art Byrne discusses the importance of your supply chain in Lean production.
Guidelines for Moving Toward a Lean Value Stream - Mike Rother and John
Shook share advice on using value-stream mapping to continuously improve your
value streams.
Lean Thinking and Practices Helps Manage Rapid Growth - Michael Ballé and
Nicolas Chartiers, cofounders of a successful digital startup share their
experience navigating uncertainty.
Emotions on the
Gemba - Michael Ballé and Fabian Sampayo discuss the role emotios play in a
lean transformation.
Advancing Learning in a Lean
Organization - Dan Prock explores our disposition to learning and the role
of the sensei in enabling learning.

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